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Harry's Pov                                           
After last year I really didn't want to come back to Hogwarts but I had no choice but to come back because I really didn't want to stay with my "family" any longer than I had to. Ron and Hermoine tried to talk to me on the train but I just kept looking out of the window. After what happened in the  Department of Mysteries I know everything that happened was not fully my fault. I do feel guilty about Sirius's death because it was my fault he was at the Department of Mysteries. Bellatrix is the main reason Sirius has died because she was the one who hit him with the spell that pushed Sirius into the veil. 

They are together and I'm happy for them but I wish I had someone. When we got to the Great Hall I sit down and saw Dumbledore sitting at the Head table talking to McGonagall, Snape was listening to a new person but his eyes are on me. I don't know why Snape is looking at me but it's weird. 

I look away from him when Ron and Hermoine sit down next to me and Dumbledore stands up and starts talking.  I don't really listen until he starts talking about Defence and who the new teacher will be. The only thing I hear is when he says Snape is the new teacher. Ron starts yelling about it but I'm numb and when Dumbledore says we can leave I shot up and head to the tower and my bed.

 I fall asleep and try not to think about Snape.  When I wake up it's because of Ron shaking me and telling me to get up. After I'm up and dressed we head down to breakfast and McGonagall hands out our timetables. I see that I have double Transfiguration, then Potions, History of Magic, and double Defence at the end of the day, and all of my classes are with Slytherin. 

The day goes by fast and before I know it I'm sitting in the D.A.D.A classroom with Ron on my left and Hermoine on my right. Snape comes into the room with his robes behind him. Snape starts talking and he is picking on Neville. Draco comes over to me and just looks at me when Snape comes over and before he could say anything to me or Draco Neville says a different spell and it hits me, Draco, and Snape. 

Because of the light from the spell, none of the students see the two balls of light. The green ball comes from Draco robes and the black and green light comes from Snape's robe. The balls of light come to my stomach before going in and then I feel this really bad pain. When the light fades from around me I see everyone looking at me. 

" Where are Draco and Snape" ask Hermione. 

" I need to go see Madam Pomfrey".  I say and walk out of the room. 

Both Ron and Hermione follow me to the school hospital wing and when we get there we see her. She sees us and I tell her I need to talk to her alone. We walk over to a bed and I sit on the bed. 

"What happened Harry". she asks. 

"There was an accident in Defence and me, Draco and Snape got hit with a spell and a white blinding light covered us so nobody could see the two balls of light from Draco and Snape's robes beside me and then the lights went into me and then I felt this really bad pain in my stomach" I tell her.

 Madman Pomfrey raises her wand and points it at my belly and then I see the inside of my belly and see two black shapes. 

"Harry do you know what this means" she asks me. 

"I'm pregnant with my rival and my teacher who both hate me". I say. 

She nods her head. "You're going to be pregnant the whole nine months and from what I can see your womb is natural and that means you will have to go through labor the natural way. You will have morning sickness and carving. I have to tell Dumbledore about this because it involves Snape". She floos him and he comes and she tells him what happened. 

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