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Izuku awoke the next morning to hear multiple voices coming from downstairs. Sitting up and looking at the clock, he saw it was ten in the morning, much later than he usually woke up at. But considering the hectic, to say the least, night he'd experienced last night, it would be quite draining. 

Izuku slowly rose to his feet, changing from his pajamas to a long sleeve black tee shirt and jeans, matching it with his black converse. Walking downstairs, he saw Katsuki sitting at the table with Kirishima, Kaminari, Momo, and Jiro, though they looked like they were in a serious conversation. 

"Good morning Izuku" Momo said once she noticed his presence, the others at the table quickly turning to look at him. "Good morning" Izuku replied, not sure what was going on.

"We need to ask you a few questions" Katsuki stated, "Sit" the Alpha pointed to a chair at the end of the table, which Izuku came over and sat at. "I remember hearing that you had gone to an all Omega school, what was the name of said school?" Katsuki asked, Izuku noticing that Momo and Jiro had notebooks in the hands. 

"It was called Unterwurfig, which when translated from German, is Submissive" Izuku explained. "The schools founders, and most of the staff, are German, though the Nurse Omegas there were not, though they were students at the school at one point" Izuku had noticed the Momo and Jiro wrote all of what he was saying down. 

"Nurse Omegas?" Kirishima asked, wanting to know more about them. "Yeah. Som students, instead of finishing their entire school, training basically, they go to a medical school, that's also run by the school, and then become Nurses for the school" Izuku explained, "Before they started that route, instead of Omegas, they were Alphas. Not as caring, not as soft or compassionate".

"What was some of the 'Training'?" Katsuki asked, using air quotations around training. "Some of it" Izuku paused, biting his lip, unsure how to go about answering. "Some of it included physical exercise, running laps, though we had to go on a five mile hike once" Izuku said, not really caring what they heard anymore.

"We had some scent training" Izuku continued, "Though some of the students didn't make it through the training" Izuku looked grim, "I didn't exactly make it through and when you don't make it through the training, you get punished for it". 

"What punishments do they give you?" Kiri asked, though looking nervous, though they all did. "Depends on which Alpha was giving punishment" Izuku started, "Some of then used physical pain, some used mental pain by looking through your charts and figuring out which subjects hurt the most, and some" Izuku paused, clenching his fists, "Some used mating as punishment".

Katsuki looked disgusted at his words.

"I have many scars from different types of punishment through my years from the school" Izuku stated. "Is that why you're wearing a long sleeve shirt?" Kaminari asked, though he did see him in the rather revealing outfit when they first met.

"No, most of my scars are more on my chest and upper back area" Izuku told his fellow Omega. "Oh" Kaminari nodded.

"Could we see them? If you're not too uncomfortable with showing us?" Momo asked, "Sure" Izuku nodded, standing up. 

Izuku slipped off the shirt, turning to show the marks on his back. "Wait, why are there bruises?" Kirishima asked and Izuku froze, not realizing last night's events bruised his back too. 

Izuku wasn't sure how to go about answering the Alpha, staying silent and turned around, so they couldn't see his scared reaction. "Hey" Jiro quietly stood up, walking over to him, and lightly placing her hand on his shoulder.

"What's going on?" Jiro asked quietly, making sure the others in the room couldn't hear her, "Not here" Izuku said just as quietly, Jiro nodding and going back to her seat.

Izuku let out a breath before turning back around, "I'm clumsy" Izuku faked laughed, though it seemed to convince the Alphas in the room, the Omegas seeing distress right away, "I just fell into a wall".

"Oh" Kirishima nodded, and Izuku didn't miss the stern look he got from Katsuki.


 A little bit later, the Omegas, Kaminari, Jiro, and Izuku all were talking in Izuku's room, claiming to need some bonding time between Omegas. The Alphas didn't bat an eye at their statement, but Katsuki watched how nervous Izuku was, but just brushed it off as Izuku's usual nervous self. 

"What really happened with your back?" Kaminari asked, looking serious, and not his happy self. "It was last night" Izuku quieted down his voice, having them all sit close to each other, and kept glancing at the door every once in a while.

"Was it Bakugou?" Jiro asked, catching on rather quick. "Yes" Izuku sighed, lifting up his shirt sleeve, revealing the marks and bruises on his wrist. "What the hell?" Sure, Kaminari knew that Katsuki was rude and rather rough at time, but he would never guess that Katsuki would treat his Omega this way.

"Hold on, I'll be right back" Jiro left the room, returning moments later with an ice bag, placing it on his wrist. "This will help with the swelling and hopefully the pain" Jiro explained, looking angry, and Kaminari did too.

"Is this the first for physical?" Jiro asked, "No" Izuku shook his head, a bit nervous to be telling them all of this. "It might be a minute, but, I'm going to talk to Kirishima" Kaminari told him, "And I'll talk to Momo" Jiro also said.

"But, with the school rules, if he tells me to do something, I have to do it" Izuku explained, "Okay, we'll try to get you away when he's not here, our Alphas may help us with that" Jiro said, and Kaminari nodded.

"Thank you" 


969 Words

Published, 03/31/2020

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Fated To The Man That Abuses Me [BNHA Omegaverse BakuDeku]Where stories live. Discover now