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Early that Monday morning, Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto were walking to the entrance of the courthouse. As soon as they entered the building, they were approached by a woman in a grey shirt and pencil skirt. "Hi, Katsuki Bakugou? Right?" Katsuki nodded and she began tapping on a Ipad and they started to walk towards one of the smaller courtrooms. 

Sitting with the woman at the desk, bringing in another chair for Izuku, they began the rest of the process. "My name is Grace Lis" Grace shook Shoto's hand, and placed papers in front of Shoto and Katsuki. 

Grace handed both of the pens. "On this paper you'll fill out your medical history, a briefer one than the one you filled out before" she explained, "And for Shoto's emergency contacts". 

Grace then handed Izuku a packet of papers in a yellow folder with two names, 'Katsuki Bakugou' and Shoto Todoroki'. "All of this will contain information that may need with Shoto living with you two" Grace explained to Izuku, "And there's some parts where it says if the retired rights holder tries to take him back to his former home".

About an hour later, they were walking out the courthouse, a heavy weight removed from all of their shoulders. "If you need anything that's not on the papers, give me a call" Grace handed Katsuki a card with her information on it, then a separate one to Shoto, waving to them as they drove away from the courthouse. 


Things settled down a bit. Katsuki being religious about not missing his appointments and even seeing a psychiatrist on the therapist suggestion. Of course it wasn't an easy start, Katsuki having a hard time getting through a session without completely and utterly breaking down, but with time he got to a point where he could easier. 

Katsuki's therapist is a young female Omega, about two years older than Katsuki. She has long bright hair and light green eyes. Her name is Kali, and is the only one Katsuki's been truly comfortable around. 


They stood in a line, walking towards a large center building in the middle of the large school's grounds. Izuku stood outside of the line, one of the school's leads attached to the Omega's waist band, then attached to a clip on a head Alpha's wrist band. 

They favoured Izuku over the other Omegas at the school. If it was his much smaller frame or the fact he wasn't as broken as them, he wasn't sure. His classmates seemed to be grateful that they focused their attention elsewhere, anywhere that wasn't them.

But, being a favorite wasn't always a good thing. They were the ones taking care of your Heats and had you on a heavy watch, almost always having someone with you. They wanted to keep you the way you were, a perfect Omega for those asshole Alphas. 

As time went on, he made sure to pretend they weren't there, focusing on his work to get the hell out of that school.  


Sunlight made its way through the open curtains, shining on the Omega and Alpha pairing as they laid in their bed, in their now shared room. They looked peaceful as they slept.

The other Omega just two rooms down also slept peacefully. His hair fluffed up, much like a cotton ball, and a line of drool falling onto the pillow he laid on. Laying on the edge of the bed, nearly falling off the mattress.  

But it all ended when their alarms went off. It startled Shoto enough for him to fall off the bed, landing of the floor with a big thud and a loud groan following afterwards. 

Izuku quickly reached over the top of Katsuki and slammed his hand on the clock, shutting the device up. "Time to get up" Katsuki groaned as he threw his pillow at Izuku, who was turning to look at him and ended up hitting him dead center in the face. 

Fated To The Man That Abuses Me [BNHA Omegaverse BakuDeku]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ