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Katsuki and Izuku stopped by Izuku's childhood home before heading back to their home. Izuku huffed as he laid eyes on a sleek black Corvette that sat in the driveway.

"Do you still want to go inside?" Katsuki asked, "Yeah, I want to get what's mine before my ass hat of a father destroys it" Izuku sighed and they got out of the car.

Before Izuku could pull his keys out, a young woman opened the door, a confused look on her face, matching the one on Izuku's.

"Who are you?" Izuku and her asked at the same time. "I'm Lila" She responded, sticking her hand out for him to shake.

"I was just checking to see if you were Mrs. Midoriya's son" Lila smiled softly. "I'm here to get the last bit of the paperwork signed, Mrs. Midoriya's will states that none of her belongings will be allowed to stay with Mr. Midoriya" Lila informed, "Please come in and we'll discuss what this entails"

Izuku nodded and Katsuki and him followed Lila to the kitchen table where Izuku's father already sat at.

"As I've already explained, Mrs. Midoriya's will states that none of the belongings that are still in her name will be going to her only child and his Alpha, Izuku and Mr. Bakugou" Lila began, "She wrote that she wanted none of her belongings to go to her Alpha and due, or thanks as I would put it, to the newest passed laws, she is legally allowed to do so, so, this house and everything in it, belongs now to her son and his Alpha".

Izuku smirked at Hisashi's reaction to Lila's words. It seemed like this law passed without his father's knowledge.

"Now, I have the paperwork to finalize this" Lila placed two separate papers in front of Katsuki and Izuku, also handing them pens. "And afterwards, if wanted, Mr. Midoriya here can be asked, or forced, to leave this property" This time Lila smirked at Hisashi's angered and shocked look.

"This is bullshit!" Hisashi stood up, shoving the chair backwards, completely knocking it over. "Leave this house father!" Izuku pointed towards the door, giving him that harshest glare that he could muster up.

"You ungrateful slut!" Then Lila yelled at Hisashi with, "Mr. Midoriya, you are not to use that language in my presence!".

Hisashi huffed, shoving his hands into jacket's pocket, but before he made it out the door, Lila stopped him. "Your keys to the house, please" Lila's voice sounded sweet, but, her look held all that she wish she could say to the older Alpha.

Hisashi grumbled under his breath, throwing the single key towards the group. He left, not before slamming the door shut behind him.


"We'll speak again soon" Izuku and Katsuki watched as the female Alpha left, an Uber picking her up and driving her to her hotel.

"I actually thought he was dead" Izuku chuckled, grabbing his bag of other clothes.


"Let's head back, we'll need to talk to Shoto" Izuku shouted up the stairs, then a few moments later Katsuki came back down the stairs, carrying a separate bag of Inko's belongings. "We'll come back with a moving crew if you'd like to" Katsuki offered, watching Izuku lock the house before following him to the car.

"Yeah, if it's alright for you, I'd like to bring her stuff to your house" Izuku rubbed his face, stressed about the whole ordeal.



560 Words

Published 7/6/2020

Fated To The Man That Abuses Me [BNHA Omegaverse BakuDeku]Where stories live. Discover now