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I swear to god, I am so tempted to publish my other book. See, I understand why you may think I shouldn't do it but hear me out. I HAVE 26 CHAPTERS FOR THAT BOOK DONE. But the problem is that I'm scared none of you would read it cause you'll be like "well I bet it's not as good and I should really finish this one" but I think it is good and I think it's cool and I just want to share but I want your opinions on it cause I'm just honestly scared. So please guys, I'm begging, please tell me if I should publish the first chapter of the other book or not. I really mean it guys, this has been weighing on me for months now and I really need you guys to just tell me. Please don't be silent, I ain't going to hate you or anything like that if you don't want me to publish the other book cause I totally understand that it's your opinion.

Thank you very much for reading and please comment or something to tell me if I should or not. I just want to make you guys happy 🖤

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