My lovlies

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Hello my sweet honeybuns! Indeed that was the end. Told you that the end was near!

I'm so happy all of you read this and supported me throughout this. The time had come and this ending had been completely planed our by the beginning of this year. Now I get it, some of you will be mad at me for randomly giving you the ending with no warning but I did what I did.

Now don't worry, I'm still going to continue writing. If you don't wish to continue to read my stuff, I understand completely and I wish you the best of luck in your future. If you are deciding to stay....WELCOME TO THE SHIT SHOW HONEY

Either way, my lovelies this was an amazing run and it was so much fun with all of you! If want me to answer questions, I can and if you guys extremely push it, maybe a Q+A for the characters.

Now keep yo tits up and yo spirits up and darlings, you're gol-

"Excuse me?"

The fuck? Girl what you want I gotta f-

"How about this, shut up and let me do the talking here. I did more talking than you did....damn.."

Fine then, take it away...

"Can you introduce me?"

Why would I do that? I feel like everyone already knows who you are-


SHEESH WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME....May I introduce Miss Ling everyone..

"I liked that a lot more, thank you very much. What's up sweeties? You guys hanging in there? I hope y-why are they not responding to me?"

Because they just can't, or at least not verbally


You'll get used to it but you got to hurry, people are about to take this out of their library!

" I guess this is goodbye, right?"

Yeah it is...But not completely, I'm gonna see you again


Well yeah! Why would I not?! You thought I was just gonna leave here?

"So I can come for the ride?!"

Defiantly Ling, definitely. My work wouldn't do well if you weren't with me

"Well then...I get to feel like GOD!"

Yup! You shall...You'll see them later so say goodbye for now!

"Bye bye guys!! I'll see you later!"

Bye bye guys...I'll see you in a bit too...

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