{Muichiro/yuichiro} [Military AU] 7th moon -pt.2-

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After the small Meeting, the generals dismissed you to your dorm rooms. Since there were only 6 of you, you each got your own room. While walking through the corridor to your room you saw muichiro walking towards you with a towel.

"Here, I noticed your hair was wet, and I sort of prefer you with fluffy hair," he said handing it to you.

"Oh! Thank you General Muichiro!" you said while putting the towel on your head and moving it around. "I'll be taking my leave then, General," you say while bowing and starting to walk away.

"Oh, and Y/n? We are going to start our training on how to use a Chamber so be sure to sleep as early as you get ok?" Muichiro said to you. "Oh...Ok! I'll sleep soon then!" you say bowing.

You put your hand on the scanner and the door to your room opened. This was on each of the Squad leader's doors, for privacy and caution, you guys are the squad-leaders-to-be. Walking inside you saw that all of your luggage was already inside. So you just unpacked a little bit of your stuff and changed into athletic short shorts and a long T-shirt. You laid in bed while swiping your hand down in the air, soon a screen showed up with contacts, locations, and your status.

You scroll down and find your friends group chat, opening it you told everyone that you arrived safely and that you were going to sleep. After closing the screen you pulled the covers over you and slept.


Around 6 in the morning you heard a small knock on your door, "Y/n-san? The Generals have asked for us" you thought it was Sora, but the voice was too feminine. You got up and opened the door. You saw mina at the door "Oh! Sorry, I'll get changed right away." you said while bowing slightly and closing the door. You got into your ground uniform which was a navy blue looking top with a skirt and combat boots.

After putting your hair clips on you locked your door and walked with Mina and the other girl. it was quiet since you, Mina, and the other girl didn't want to wake any of the boys since their session on how to pilot a Chamber was late in the night.

Once you were out of the corridor you were finally able to talk, "So um what are your names?" the blue-haired girl asked.

"I'm Mina Tsuyuki"

"Oh! I'm Agatsuma Y/n! It's nice to meet you!"

She smiled at us "I'm Aoi Yunnan, the pleasure is mine." she says while her light blue pigtails bounce. After that is had just been small talk and exchanging contacts.

After you finally reached the Meeting room you saw the Mist Generals sitting at the top of the oval table. You and the other girls sat down not too far from the Generals but a respectful distance away from them.

"Alright, now we just have to wait for the last member to arrive," Muichiro said

Another member? I thought it was only the girl's session...

The door burst open "I'm so sorry! Muichiro-Kun, Yuichiro-Kun!" the Silver-haired male Exclaimed. "No, you're fine, Vincent," Yuichiro said without a care in the world. "Alright, girls, this is Vincent he is one of our favorite past Squad leaders, but he is now serving the Master Oyakata-sama. He will be one of the Pilots in the Chamber since there are 3 of you." Muichiro said.

"This session will be all about you being able to battle in the chamber and master a connection to the pilot. I assume all you girls know how the chamber works and your roll in the chamber?" Yuichiro asked

"Yes, General Yuichiro!" All of us said. "Alright, then all we need to work on is how to properly use the Chamber and the connection." Yuichiro said "Alright I'll be assigning partners! Vincent with Aoi, Nii-chan with Mina, and Me with Y/n! Let's go to the chambers!" Muichiro said with a sly grin on his face while glancing at his brother

{Muichiro/ Yuichiro} Long oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now