{Muichiro/Yuichiro} [Military AU] 7th Moon -pt.3-

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It only took you about a day to recover from the S-class Monster battle. But during your time cooling off Sora and the girls visited you. But that was a week ago after you woke up the training was the usual except that Yuichiro explained how when we are on a real mission we will only be taking 1 Chamber and the rest of the Squad leaders will be in the Overdrive uniforms.

It was the day before all of the recruits came. Though we would only have 1,000 recruits, I know it seems like a lot but other Factions have 3,000 recruits, the mist faction only takes kids with a minimum of 1,900. Anything below won't be able to fight in the mist faction.

You were on your last Chamber practice, but this time instead of Muichiro, it was Yuichiro who was piloting you. He said that he wanted to test my connection skills between different pilots. You had already had Vincent pilot you so this wasn't new. All of the Professional Pilots wanted to test us on the connection.

You laid on the seat and the helmet lowered on you. "Um... General Yuichiro?" you asked "Hm?" he replied holding on to your handles. "General Muichiro said that the best way to connect is to address someone as your friend.... I was wondering..." you drifted off "if you want to call me by my first name... I don't have a problem with that..." he said a little embarrassed.

"Okay! Yuichiro-Kun! Let's start the connection!" you said Soon Tuttela Opened her eyes (or your eyes) 'Muichiro was right, our link is so natural' Yuichiro thought. Walking towards Aoi she playfully laughs "So, Tuttela! Are you gonna do that crazy transformation again?" she asks while twirling around her metallic blue hair. Mina sighed "Aoi, Tuttela will only look like that when she exerts too much Of her Mana power."

"Blah, Blah! Mina, I don't speak smart!" Aoi said while Giggling. Mina Sweat dropped while doubting herself "...do I speak smart?" she said while contemplating. "Haha, Mina you're so gullible!" you say while turning your attention to the opening gate.

You Walk out with Mina and Aoi following you "So the new Recruits are coming tomorrow! I'm excited to teach some kids of my own! I'll make them Super duper strong!" Aoi Explained. "I'll make mine Smart and tactical" Mina said with a proud face on. "I'll make my students Never forget what their fighting for! I'll teach them how to use their stamina properly!" you say with an eye smile.

The training today was pretty simple but in the afternoon the Generals called all you guys (even the boys) to a meeting. "This Meeting will explain what the other squads will do when two squads are in a Chamber," Yuichiro explained while his brother was sucking on a lollipop and spinning in a chair. "But, General, I thought only one squad will be using the chamber?" Sora asked.

"Yes, about that, One other quad leader will be the pilot. And another squad leader will take their chamber." Yuichiro explained.

The Meeting was adjourned after that little explanation, and the Generals left with the male Squad leaders. "Did you see Leo?! He was SO sure of himself! God! He gets on my nerve! With his stupid sly grin!" Aoi Ranted. "Yeah, well what can you do, In my opinion, Klein is the worst. At least Leo knows what space is." I complained. "It seems Sora is the only guy here other than the general we like" Mina pointed out.

"Yeah, that's true. But Its mainly because he loves everything and everyone." Aoi said. "Yeah, Well I think he's a good friend!" I say cheerfully. Mina was the first to get back to her room. And then Aoi was next. I finally reached my room and put my hand on the scanner. And the door opened.

Slumping down on your bed you soundly fell asleep.


In the morning you woke up early so you could get your Squad leader uniform of (SQL uniform). You combed your hair and put your red hair clips on, finally putting a smile on your face you walked outside to greet the new recruits. Mina was already waiting for you and Aoi.

{Muichiro/ Yuichiro} Long oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now