{Various x reader} D A N G A N R O P A

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(New cover! Yay! also! Don't be afraid to drop a request! I'm open! also because It was Highly Requested I'll be making an Extra for The Mui/Yui Military Au after this!) 


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"Ugh... My head..." you muttered while opening your E/c eyes to see 3 Lines illuminating the cramped box you were heavily breathing in. with a wince and a slight push you were able to open the door.

You tumbled down and fell face-first onto the ground "Ow...!" you whispered while slowly trying to pick yourself up. You felt the cold air brush your bare legs sending a shiver down your spine as you tried to walk with your wobbling legs.

So much for shorts...

You adjusted your black and white checkered Haori and looked around the room before your eyes landed on a figure who was trying to pry off the Red ropes keeping her back from the outside world.

"U-um... Miss...? Do you know where we are...?" you asked unsure of her actions. She stopped before looking over at you with a shocked face "Were you kidnapped too?" she asked with a quiet voice just in case you were sensitive to loud noises.

"a-ah! Yeah..." you stuttered which the female in front of you found cute "We should probably find an exit...or if you're not ready I can stay here with you..." the female said while walking over to your small figure and patting your head.

Your eyes widened at the gesture, her warm hands making you feel at home. "What's your name?" she asked while her purple eyes observed your E/c ones. "O-oh! Y/n L/n! The ultimate Author!" you said and bowed momentarily.

She laughed and waved her hands "No need for that, We're the same age I think... My name is Shinobu Kocho. The ultimate doctor, It's nice to meet you, Y/n" she said and took your hand "Let's go" she said and kicked open the door.

You shuddered at the screeching noise it made before running behind Shinobu. "Do you think we are being held for Ransome?" you asked while panting behind Kocho who was running down the Pokadotted stairs.

"We might be, Judging from the Building and its state. We are probably somewhere isolated from the outside!" she said while taking a sharp turn before stopping abruptly.

"Hello, there students! It's me! Your Headmaster, Monokuma!!" you heard the intercom announce. Shinobu grunted with a visible Irk mark on her forehead "Shut Up!" she spat at the voice.

You crouched down and held your ears while shutting your eyes. "NyehNyehNyeh!" The intercom laughed before shutting off. "Y/n..." Shinobu said while crouching down to your level "You might be scared, But it's not the time for that!" she said and slapped her hands on both of your cheeks and smooshed them.

"Don't give up! Have hope!" She said before dragging you elsewhere.

She Turned a hallway before stopping and gripping onto your hand before pushing open the door labeled: "Gym"

{Muichiro/ Yuichiro} Long oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now