{Yuichiro/Muichiro}[Millitary Au] 7th moon (Extra #1)

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Hello! because this was a highly requested one shot to write I decided to make some additional parts to the story! I hope you enjoy it! Ps. I'm also thinking of a headcanon chapter for this Military Au, What do you think?

After the whole Fiasco with Douma, you went back to The Mist faction, since the Main corps top leaders didn't have a start on what to do with the past event that occurred when you destroyed the S-class beast alone and without a Chamber.

The Generals from the different factions decided that while they don't know what the Kanji on your eye meant, You'd have to keep some sort of covering, so people wouldn't get suspicious. You decided you'd cover your eye with a large Yellow Button.

You walked through the hallways while adjusting your tights and your skirt. You woke up late and was still half asleep. You had to help the Generals with some of the repairs from the attack.

Today there were more people than normal because the Generals called in the Chamber check-up team to fix Mina's chamber which was pierced from the last battle.

You lazily opened the door and slumped down on a chair while your eyes were closed and face was on the desk.

You felt something plastic hit your nose as you opened your eyes to see Yuichiro holding out the Red bean bun for you to eat while he huffed and looked the other way. You blushed and put this cute smile on while looking down at the contents of the bag.

"Thank you! Yui-kun!" You thanked while biting the bun, letting the red bean paste show. Muichiro huffed, jealous, and poked Yuichiro. "You aren't able to have favorites!" Muichiro complained.

"Says the one who sticks to her 24/7" Yuichiro huffed while sitting down in his chair next to Muichiro, but before he could, Muichiro pulled out the chair and made Yuichiro fall down. "Yah!" Yuichiro shouted while pulling muichiro's ear.

The door busted open to reveal, Mina who's Uniform was disheveled and she was panting. "I'm sorry for being Late!!" she said and bowed a full 90 degree.

The generals dismissed her and she took a seat next to you, Aoi in front of her. Vincent was sent back to the upper ranks for the meeting regarding your eye.

you turned while setting down your red bean bun and helped mina button up her shirt "We don't want perverts like Klein peeping, now do we?" you smiled while she thanked you. Klein just scoffed.

"Onto the meeting, now," Yuichiro said while pointing to the hologram screen. "Our Faction will be heading to the front lines on June 26th." Yuichiro put out bluntly. "What?!" Sora and Aoi said and jumped from their seats in unison.

"F-front lines?!" Aoi stuttered looking down at her paper and looking back up "Why there?" Yuichiro sighed "Apparently, Muzan's force had increased and he's sending more Demons to attack. so our faction along with some others will be joining." He said.

Your hands that were in your lap squeezed, a nervous feeling, washing over you. You've never been to the front lines, and you've only been in the Corps for 3-ish months. Things were moving quickly, way too quickly.

You waited for everyone to leave as you leaned on the wall while pondering. "Y/n?" you heard Muichiro say as you quickly looked up, only to regret it. Muichiro's face was inches from yours as you felt his breath on your face.

You blushed and quickly moved away "G-general Muichiro..." you said, making Muichiro pout, "I thought I told you to call me Muichiro-kun." Muichiro said while diving in for a hug. "I miss seeing your eye...." Muichiro said while his head rested against your stomach.

You smiled and caressed the boy's head "We'll be able to see it once we know what it means..." you whispered, calming the energetic boy. Yuichiro walked out shortly, clearly looking for muichiro, "Mui-There you are! there is no time for breaks, even if we want to stay with Y/n!" Yuichiro said trying to pull muichiro off.

{Muichiro/ Yuichiro} Long oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now