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I have decided to skip things since it's getting kind of boring for me so, here's chapter eight!

So after a few weeks later, the whole family of Tina finally went back from their vacation. I'm quite happy specially that I'm actually able to talk to her once again and annoy her just by mentioning Assassins Creed Unity. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know that game so I'm gonna spoil her and talk about The Last Of Us for a bit. It's quite happy knowing that there's someone I have in common with, not to mention all the guys here only cares about girls, and their boobs, and god, I am very disgusted. I shook my head as soon as I hear the voice of Christina.
"Hey, Mason! How have you been?" I looked at her and shoot her a small smile. In a soothing way of course.
"Been good. Did you enjoyed your vacation?" I asked.
"Well, not that much actually but I guess I'll just say yes since I'm back to reality." The both of us continued talking about how school was then about their vacation. She talked about how awful but fun her vacation was, so she begun talking about her past experiences with Caleb when they are out of town. Caleb and her were by at the hotel lobby at Four Seasons Hotel Miami, her brother used this thing that the people in hotels usually use to deliver their luggage to their rooms. Caleb was 6 and she was 8. He was standing on it and Christina did the whole push-and-pull thing. She literally took him everywhere, in the kitchen, different rooms that weren't locked properly.

And because of that, they were in big trouble and got grounded for one whole month. I swear, this is making me fall in love with her even deeper and deeper. The whole time she was talking, I was just looking at her with a smile on my face. We really didn't stopped talking after what she told me. I even told her what happened to me when I was at eight grade. I had this huge crush on Aira Hemmington that has to be like, one of the nicest and nerd type but I swear, she's amazing. She really didn't have a crush on me though. One day, I admitted to her that I like her a lot but then after that, she just slapped me and never talked to me again. Probably one of the most embarrassing moment I had.

A few more hours later and we decided to hang out at the park near my house. Being around her is quite lovely and I would like this to happen until we grow old together. We've known each other like about a week or something. I honestly don't know since her vacation interrupted it and didn't gave me the chance to actually talk to her for a very long time. But we're quite lucky that we got three weeks out of school which means three weeks of playing games, hanging out with Christina and a few other friends and I'll be able to have a quite long sleep. Both of us sat on the swing set by the left corner right next to the monkey bar. Let me just say, nothing really changed her which I am very happy. Not to mention that most people actually change a lot when they're on vacation but it's true.

Christina and I had a good time for the past 45 minutes, just talking to each other, talking about video games and books. It's nice to talk to her for 1 hour and 45 minutes. I don't know what to say but.. I think my feelings for her increased a lot more.

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