11 - Balls

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"I hate these balls!"

Sage's voice was loud even with the racket of other bowling lanes.

Aidan laughed at her, and she felt the heat rising onto her cheeks.

Clarifying, she said, "I just mean I prefer the little balls."

"Really, go on." He teased more.

She was certain her face was bright red. It was crazy for her to feel embarrassed. She wasn't innocent, so why had a few sexual innuendos turned her into a beet?

"Stop! I mean candlepin. The kind we have at home."

Candlepin bowling, a variation popular in New England, used smaller balls. They fit in the palm of a hand without finger holes. The pins were tall and thin much like a candle. Her mother took her and the boys over school vacations. Occasionally, they included the younger kids too.

She still thought of Massachusetts as home even though she had lived in Manhattan since she started undergrad, except for vacations.

"Do you consider New York home now?"

He shrugged. "It's not where I'm from, but it's where I live." He stood and picked up a ball. It appeared lighter when he held it in his large hand.

She watched as Aidan knocked down four pins. He turned around. "It's so much easier on the Wii."

She laughed imagining a younger Aidan playing on his Wii. "You were younger, too."

He looked at her confused. "Mark and I played last week."

Laughing, she held her stomach. "Who's idea was it to come here?"

"Um, yours. I think you wanted to see how the other half lives, princess."

"Stop!" He was always teasing her, because she grew up wealthy. "This is not a dingy bowling alley with a bunch of Homers hanging about. It's a bar and restaurant and I'm hungry."

"We have five more frames. Do you really equate the working man to Homer Simpson?"

She felt embarrassed. "No, it was all I could think of. Some of us aren't as funny as you."

He laughed. "I think you're hangry. It's your turn to buy."

Sage spent more time with Aidan than Geoffrey. She didn't realize how much she needed a friend, until he asked to be hers. With Marissa cozying up with Jed the way Sage wished she were with Geoffrey, she felt at odds, especially on the weekends.

Aidan never commented about her relationship, unless she asked him. He didn't ignore it either. She was comfortable with him, as she ordered a hamburger with fries. She didn't feel the need to eat like a rabbit around him. They both ate meat, dairy and gluten.

A text notification came through on her phone. She smiled, because Teddy had a date.

"You can invite him to meet us here." Aidan casually dipped his tortilla chip into the salsa.

"I wish, but Teddy's in Boston."

"Oh. I thought..."

"No, I'll see him on Monday." Because she looked carefully, she saw his mouth open and shut like he wanted to say something. "Teddy has a date with a girl I know. He and Elaine would make a good match."

"A good match. What because they're in the same social circle?"

"Yes, but also I could see them falling in love. Even my kind does that you know."

Sometimes, he was more of a snob than her. Truthfully, he was right, status was more important than love. Her parents would never approve of her marrying Geoff, an academic without old money, or even someone like Aidan who had the potential to be successful himself.

"I'm afraid you already have." He mumbled.

Was she in love with Geoff? She loved being with him, but she didn't really know him. She was too young to worry about finding true love and a husband. She had Geoff or at least a part of him. Her priority was her research which was coming along. Geoff's help had been invaluable. It was an added perk to their unique relationship.

One evening, she was waiting for Geoff to arrive with their dinner when her mother called. Bea didn't need to talk to her daughter every day, but liked to keep up with her life. It was proving difficult because Sage was hiding both her relationship and friendship from her mother. She was hiding Aidan only because her mother would read too much into it and then she'd be forced to tell her about Geoff.

Answering, her mother cheerfully greeted her. She listened to her mother as she told her Elaine and Teddy were dating which she already knew. Her mother also thought they made a good match.

Geoff entered her apartment. "Hey, I've got you those noodles you love so much."

She turned towards him and his face showed shock when he realized she was on the phone. She put her finger to her lips warning him not to say anything more.

Her mother, who had heard his voice, exclaimed, "Oh! You're seeing someone! Why didn't you tell me? We need to meet him. Do you really like him?"

She responded to the last question. "Yes, but Mom, can I talk to you later?"

Geoff stared at her as she sighed. "Now she knows I'm seeing someone."

"She lives in another state. She'll never know."

He was more relaxed about it than she expected. "But she won't stop until she finds out everything about you. I know her."

She'll want to know things Sage didn't even know yet.

"Where did you go to undergrad?"

He shook his head. "Don't start stressing. Just tell her about your friend. You know the one you're always with."

Sage looked at him in disbelief, and it wasn't because of his suggestion. "Are you jealous? Oh my God, you have no right to be. I would rather go places with you, but you won't take me out and will only give me a few hours a few evenings a week." She felt angry and had been mature about it long enough, but she needed to know. "Aidan keeps me company when you're not here doing who knows what. Just tell me the truth. Are you married?"

"What? No, why would you think that. I have never been married." He acted like she accused him of murder.

"Why? Why do you think? Because of your rules. No being seen together. For all I know, you could leave me to go home to a wife and two kids. On weekends you could be..."

He interrupted her. "I hate kids." He stepped closer and pulled her into him. "And I hate the thought of another man touching you the way I do."

She was putty in his arms, as he kissed her. Why was it so easy to give in to his kisses?

Looking into his eyes, she replied, "I only want you, but I want you all the time."

He replied, "I want you right now."

End of discussion, as her brain went blank and their lust took control.

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