Chapter 2: Practice!

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After a few days of practice with Hinata, Yachi was starting to become better at hitting and aiming the ball. Even serving the ball too.

But she noticed that Hinata was falling behind in his own practice while the others continued to practice even after their games. Hinata was too nice to quit on her so she knew she had to do it.

On the 6th day, Yachi decided to call it quits to his teaching lessons. After practice, Hinata was already on his way to Yachi.

"Hinata can I talk to you for a bit?" She pulled him out to talk to him.

"I think it's time to stop our lessons. I learned a lot already and I enjoyed learning from you," she told him.

Hinata was a little surprised she suddenly wanted to stop. Sure, she had improved but she was far from being able to play an actual game of volleyball.

"Why do you suddenly want to stop?" He questioned her.

"I just think it's not necessary anymore and I think you should just focus on bettering your own skills," she replied.

"Oh, I see..." Hinata mumbled. He actually enjoyed teaching her though.

"Uh...if you want after the summer training camp ends and we go back home we can continue to practice together," she suggested.

Hinata perked up. "Sure! We can do that," he smiled at her.

"Alright then it's a deal," she smiled back. "Now go on and practice with the others. Learn some new tricks!"

"You bet I will!" Hinata ran back inside and joined a group.

Yachi also went inside to help out Kiyoko with anything.


The summer training camp was coming to an end. There were only 3 days left. All the teams had improved greatly. And Karasuno had finally won 3 sets.

During one break, Yamamoto joined Tanaka to obsess over Kiyoko as they always do. Both boys looked over at Kiyoko who was gracefully sitting down talking to Yachi.

Yamamoto noticed Yachi smiling.

"Yachi is a cutie too isn't she?" He mentioned.

"Hey she's off-limits too! Don't go getting any ideas!" Tanaka yelled at him. He didn't like her the way he likes Kiyoko but he had a feeling someone did.

"Calm down. I wouldn't try anything on either of them. I'm a coward when it comes to girls, remember?" he cried.

The last three days of camp flew by. On the last day, Daichi happened to overhear about a barbecue the coaches prepared for everyone. Although it was supposed to be a secret, he told the members of his team to keep them going through their practice. When they finished practice, all the coaches gathered them up and informed them about what was awaiting them outside the gym. All the guys got riled up about the barbecue and hurriedly went outside. They all went off into groups and enjoyed the barbecue. Yamamoto, Noya, and Tanaka made it their job to ensure no one hit on Kiyoko.

Hinata was hanging out with Kenma on the benches when he noticed Yachi acting all weird.

Yachi was trying to get some barbecue but since all the volleyball players were way taller than her she was too scared to get in between them.

Lev noticed her hanging around the barbecue area. He went up to her and asked her if she was trying to get some barbecue. Yachi looked up at him and gasped.

Woah this guy's super tall! And scary looking.

"No thanks. I don't want any," she said and turned away from him.

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