Chapter 39: A Night to Remember

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Yumeko and Yukio had to help their parents with something after school so they went straight home when school finished. 
Since, there was no practice and they had nothing else to do the Yachi and Hinata decided to spend the afternoon alone together. They went to Yachi’s house to watch a movie together. It was the first time they were hanging out alone since they had got back together so both were a bit nervous especially after the conversations they had with Yukio and Yumeko. When they got to her house, Yachi made some popcorn for them and she sat on the sofa with Hinata. They watched a movie that was playing on the TV. Everything was fine until a love scene made the atmosphere awkward. 

Hinata glanced at Yachi who was looking down at the popcorn with a red face instead of looking at the TV. She felt his gaze and turned to look at him too. Hinata kept his eyes on her. He moved the bowl of popcorn to the table and came closer to Yachi. He leaned in and kissed her. She reclined back onto the sofa causing Hinata’s body to press down on her. His kiss became quick paced. Yachi held onto his neck tightly, loving Hinata’s weight pressing down on her. Suddenly she felt something hard press against her leg. She stopped kissing Hinata and looked down.

“What’s that?” she asked moving her leg where she felt the object. 

Hinata jumped off of her and turned the other way. 

“It’s nothing! I have to use the restroom!” he said running away. 

Yachi thought for a bit. Suddenly the talk she had with Yumeko came back to her.

Oh my god. It’s one of those! Yachi put her hand over her mouth. 

He wants to do that?....Right now? Yachi blushed at the thought.

Meanwhile, Hinata was in the restroom splashing cold water on his face. 

“Come on! come on! Go away stupid thing!” he said. 

God this is so embarrassing! I got caught up in the moment, Hinata hit his forehead. 

“Hinata? Are you ok?” Yachi knocked on the bathroom door. 

“Yea! I’ll be out in a bit!” he responded. Yachi heard the phone ringing and went to answer it.

Ok come on Shoyo, think about cold showers! Cold showers, cold showers…

He looked down and gave a sigh of relief. 

“Thank goodness it's gone…” Hinata came out of the restroom and heard Yachi on the phone. 

“.....I’ll be ok. It’s not like it’s the first time, haha...ok see you tomorrow!” Yachi hung up the phone.

“What was that about?” Hinata asked.

“It was just my mom calling to tell me she was pulling an all nighter at work again,” Yachi said.

“Oh,” Hinata said. Suddenly a thought came to him.

She’s alone for the whole night...which means she might want me to stay….and after what just happened I don’t think that’s a good idea! Hinata went to grab his bag.

“Well, I’ll be leaving then,” Hinata said, walking to the door. 

“Wait! Why are you leaving?...You’re not going to stay with me tonight?” Yachi asked. She had become used to having Hinata sleepover when her mom didn’t come home for the night. 

“ I stay with you, then?” Hinata asked blushing as soon as he finished the question.

Yachi walked over to him and took his hand. 

“I don’t want to be alone tonight,” Yachi squeezed his hand.

Hinata heated up even more and cleared his throat.

“Uh ok...I guess I’ll stay with you then,” he said.

They both went to wash up for the night. 

Yachi had changed into a white spaghetti strap sleeping dress and had just finished drying her hair when Hinata came out of her restroom. He was drying his hair with the towel and he had borrowed her dad’s clothes again.

“Come here, I’ll dry your hair for you,” Yachi patted the corner of the bed for Hinata to sit on. 

“Uh, ok,” Hinata sat down. 

Yachi put the hair dryer on warm and ran her fingers through his hair as she dried it. 

“This feels nice,” Hinata smiled. She started in the back and then made her way to the front where she had to stand between Hinata’s legs to reach his hair. Hinata’s face turned red when he saw how short and revealing her sleeping dress was. 

Cold showers, cold showers, cold showers….Hinata closed his eyes tightly. 

“Hinata?” Yachi said, causing Hinata to open his eyes. 

She was centimeters away from his face which made him leap back, taking Yachi along with him. She dropped the hair dryer and landed on top of him but she held her arms out to not fall completely on him. She stared down at him surprised as he looked up at her with a red face. 

Yachi felt something jab her leg again and she looked down only to have Hinata slide out from under her and jump off the bed. 

“I should go sleep on the couch,” Hinata said, not turning around to face her. 

“Wait!” Yachi said getting out of bed. 

Hinata held his hand over his private area.

Come on go away stupid thing. Now is not the time! 

“I know what you’re hiding, Hinata. I’m not opposed to doing that with you…”

“No...we don’t need to do anything if you’re not ready,” Hinata told her.

“But I am…” 

Hinata's eyes widened. He turned back to look at her. Yachi walked to him and grabbed his arm. 

“Hinata, if it’s with you...I’m ready,” Yachi said, staring into his eyes. She walked to the bed and brought Hinata along with her. She climbed in first and waited for Hinata to follow. But Hinata went to his bag first and pulled out a condom.

Guess, I should thank Yukio for this later.

Hinata gulped and beads of sweat started to form on his forehead. He wiped it away and slowly climbed over Yachi in bed. 

“Are you sure about this?” He whispered.

Yachi nodded. “Hinata....I love you.”

“I love you too,” he said leaning down to kiss her.

He turned off her the night stand lamp leaving only the moonlight from the window to shine on them.

~~To be continued~~

Hey everyone, I know this chapter was short sorry about that but I didn't want to end it on this chapter so I'm going to end it in the next one. I'm kinda sad about ending it (╥_╥)

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