Chapter 31: Breakups Are Hard

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Hinata went straight home and shut himself inside his room. He buried his head in his pillow.

Should I have broken up with her? I really regret it now...but at the moment it felt right…“Agh, I feel so conflicted!” Hinata yelled. 

Memories of him and Yachi spending time together kept flowing through his head. But then he thought about Kageyama and Yachi kissing and he frowned. 

I certainly didn’t punch Kageyama nearly as much as I wanted to. If we didn’t go to Nationals this weekend I would’ve beat him up so bad! Hinata clenched his fists and felt a sudden pain. He looked down at his knuckles; they were red from the fight he had with Kageyama. He went to the mirror to inspect his lip. It didn’t look too bad but it did sting a little. I'll just ice my knuckles, Hinata went to the kitchen to get some ice in a bag. Just then his mom came in to start preparing dinner.

“Hinata, you went straight to your room when you came home, you didn’t even greet me! Is something wrong?” his mom asked. 

Hinata turned around revealing his busted lip but made sure to hide his knuckles.

“What happened to your mouth!” She asked worriedly. 

“The ball hit me in the face at practice today,” he lied. 

“Oh my, come here let me take a closer look,” she said.

“No, it’s fine mom. I’m just going to ice it. I’ll be fine,” he said, stepping away from her.

She still had a worried expression. “Ok, if you say so,” she said. 

“I’m going to start on dinner. I’m making miso soup today,” she smiled, getting out all the ingredients. 

“Miso soup, huh?” Hinata mumbled. I remember when Yachi and I made miso soup together….He shook his head ridding himself of the memory. “I’m skipping dinner today,” Hinata said, walking past his mom. 

“What, why?” she asked.

“I’m not hungry!” he called out. 

She made a confused expression. “But, he’s always hungry.”

He came back to his room and sat on the edge of the bed. His closet door was open displaying the orange sweater Yachi had given him. He got up and closed the door angrily. 

I can’t get her out of my head! She’s everywhere! How am I going to do thisHe sighed.


When Yachi got home, she changed and started preparing dinner. Her mom wasn’t home yet so she ate by herself. All the while she pictured how Hinata used to sit and eat dinner with her. Thinking about Hinata brought a tear to her eye that she didn’t notice until it rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away and continued eating. When she was done, she washed the dishes and went to her room to do homework. 

Concentrating on her homework was difficult. All she could think about were Hinata’s words when he broke up with her. But then she would think of Kiyoko’s words to make herself feel better. 

“I can’t seem to concentrate, I should just go to bed early tonight,” Yachi sighed. She washed up and got in bed. She covered herself with her blanket and imagined Hinata next to her. She smiled and drifted off to sleep picturing herself in Hinata’s arms. 


The next day in school, classes seemed to go by slow. Especially at lunch time. Since Yachi was used to spending lunchtime with Hinata, she was kind of lonely. She went to the spot where she and Hinata would eat lunch.

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