Chapter 37: Yumeko's Plan

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The next day, Hinata found Yachi at the entrance of Yukio and Yumeko’s house.  

“Hey,” Hinata said as he came up next to her.

“Hi,” Yachi responded. 

“So, are you going to ring the doorbell?” he asked.

“Oh yes! I was just about to,” Yachi said, ringing the doorbell. 

Yukio answered the door. “Hey, come in, come in!” he said opening the door wider. 

Yachi and Hinata came in. Yukio walked them over to the living room. There was a table with snacks and drinks. 

“Our parents aren’t home but when we told them we would have friends over today, they told us to make sure we put out snacks and drinks for them,” Yukio laughed. Yachi and Hinata both sat on the sofa. Yukio sat down too leaving Yachi between both of them. 

“Hey you two,” Yumeko greeted them as she came over to join them. “I brought this game for us to play. It’s a racing game.” 

“Not another game,” Yukio complained. 

“You’re just saying that because I always beat you,” Yumeko smirked.

She plugged in her game console into the living room television and inserted the game. She handed everyone a controller. Then she sat on the floor in front of everyone. 

“I don't know how to play this game,” Yachi whispered. Hinata was about to explain to her but Yukio beat him to it.

“You press and hold this button to go and use this to move left and right,” Yukio explained. 

“Ok,” Yachi nodded. There was a 3 second countdown and then the game started. Yumeko took the lead right off the bat. Hinata stayed close behind her. 

Yachi was left behind and Yukio was just ahead of her. 

“You’re pretty good Hinata. But you’re not going to pass me,” Yumeko laughed. 

“We’ll see about that,” Hinata said, gaining on her. 

Despite getting real close, Hinata didn’t pass her. Yumeko came in first place and Hinata came in second place.

“Told you, you wouldn’t pass me,” she smirked. 

Yukio and Yachi came in third and fourth place. 

“Guess we aren’t very good at this game,” Yachi laughed embarrassed. 

“Games aren’t my forte,” Yukio scratched his head embarrassed. Yumeko got up in front of them. 

“I have an idea. Hinata you stay here and teach my brother how to play this game better and Yachi and I will go to my room and have a little girl time,” Yumeko said. 

“Huh?” they all said, confused by her sudden suggestion. 

“Come on, Yachi,” Yumeko said. Yachi got up and followed her. 

Hinata and Yukio watched as they left to Yumeko’s room.

“So, how can I become better at this game like you?” Yukio said, turning back to Hinata. 

Hinata sighed.

Yachi came into Yumeko’s room. She had a few game posters on her wall and a shelf filled with games and little figures. 

Wow, she really does like playing video games.

“So, Yachi, I know we haven’t talked much so let’s get to know each other,” Yumeko said. She sat down on her bed and patted the space next to her for Yachi to join her. Yachi went and sat down next to her awkwardly. 

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