Chapter 8: Looking for the Perfect Dress

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Yachi saw Kiyoko was still in the locker room. 

Should I ask her if she wants to go shopping with me? I’ve never really gone shopping with a friend before, I wonder if she’ll say yes.

“Hey Kiyoko,” Yachi told her.

“Oh, hey Yachi. I was just finishing up changing. Are you leaving soon too?” she asked.

“Yea actually, I need to go shopping for a dress to take to the dance. Um, would you like to come with me?” Yachi asked, hoping she would agree. 

“Sure, I don’t have any plans so I’m free,” Kiyoko agreed. 

Yayyy! Yachi cheered internally.

“Ok, I’ll get changed quickly and meet you outside,” Yachi told her, already undressing.

Kiyoko nodded and headed outside. Yachi met up with her when she was done and they went on their way to the mall. 

They walked around looking at different stores but Yachi didn’t know which dress she wanted. 

“What dress did you decide to take to the dance?” Yachi asked Kiyoko as they arrived at the 6th store. 

“I’m taking a dark purple strapless dress. My mom chose it for me knowing that’s my favorite color and I just agreed to wear it,” Kiyoko told her. 

“Oh, seems like you're quick to make a decision,” Yachi giggled nervously. I better hurry and find a dress quickly before Kiyoko gets mad at me for taking too long!

“What dress do you think I should take?” Yachi asked her. 

“I think a yellow flowy dress would be perfect for you,” Kiyoko responded. 

“Yellow...and flowy..?” Yachi pondered a bit. She continued to look around while Kiyoko went off on her own to a different part of the store to look too.

“Yachi, come look at this one,” Kiyoko called her over. Yachi went over to her and her eyes widened. It was an off the shoulder yellow dress that had a cute pink bow at the waist. Flowy and yellow just like Kiyoko had said.

“I love it!” Yachi squealed and hugged her. 

“And I found these heels to go with them,” Kiyoko revealed a pair of heels she was hiding behind her. They were also yellow and had a bow on them. 

“It matches the dress!” Yachi squealed again. Kiyoko giggled.

“Thanks so much Kiyoko! I wouldn’t have been able to decide on a dress without your help,” Yachi hugged her again. 

“Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” Kiyoko smiled and hugged her back. 

I’m glad I asked her to come along.

At the cash register, Yachi noticed small flower clips displayed on the counter. The cashier noticed her interest in them.

“Those are boutonnieres. They are clipped on to the buttonhole of a suit,” the cashier told her. 

“Oh, really? They’re very beautiful,” Yachi picked up a yellow daffodil. It caught her eye because the color matched her dress. If Hinata wears this, his suit will match with my dress, she thought.

“A yellow flower represents joy and friendship. A daffodil symbolizes optimism and new beginnings,” he smiled at her.

“I’ll take it,” Yachi handed it to him. 


After paying, Yachi and Kiyoko got on the bus to go back home. 

“Are you excited for the dance?” Yachi asked her after they found a spot together on the bus. 

“I wouldn’t say I was excited but I guess I am looking a little forward to going,” Kiyoko answered her.

“What brought you to ask Sugawara to the dance?” she asked her.

“I don’t know, I just got tired of both Tanaka and Nishinoya asking me and Sugawara just happened to be around one day when they were about to ask me and I just asked him on impulse,” she explained. 

“Oh, you didn’t want to go with Tanaka or Nishinoya?” 

“It’s not that I didn’t. I was actually going to agree to go with Tanaka since he asked me first but right after he asked me Nishinoya did too and I didn’t want them to get upset with each other if I agreed to go with one over the other so I rejected both of them. That didn’t stop them from asking me everyday though,” Kiyoko laughed. 

Yachi laughed too. “They really like you a lot, huh?” 

“Yea, he does...I mean THEY do,” Kiyoko corrected herself. Yachi lifted an eyebrow. 

‘He’? How come she said he? Was she thinking about one of them specifically? Yachi wondered but she didn’t want to pry so she didn’t question her. 

Kiyoko was the first to get off.

“Thanks, again for coming with me,” Yachi told her. 

“No problem, it was fun,” Kiyoko smiled at her then got off. 

Yachi waved at her through the window as the bus drove off. 

When she got home, she rushed to her mom’s room to show her the dress she bought. 

“It’s beautiful Yachi,” she said, examining it. “Nice choice.” 

“My friend Kiyoko was actually the one who found it.” 

“Well, she has a good eye,” her mom smiled at her. 

“Have you decided how you're going to style your hair and how you want your makeup done?” 

“Yea, or course!” Yachi lied. She actually didn’t know a thing about makeup and she planned on doing her usual hairstyle. I’ll ask Kiyoko if she could help me with my makeup and hair.

Yachi brought the dress to her room and hung it up away from all her other clothes. 

Gotta make sure it stays perfect for the dance. Then, she took a shower.

After showering, Yachi looked at herself in the mirror. She messed around with her hair trying different hairstyles. 

“My hair is so plain,” she said to herself. Her phone beeped signaling she got a new message. She got excited when she saw it was from Hinata.

‘Found a suit today. Hope you were able to find a dress!’ the message read.

Yachi replied ‘I did with help from Kiyoko.’

Should I take a picture and send it to him?...Nah I’ll let it be a surprise.

Her phone beeped again. ‘That’s awesome, can’t wait to see it at the dance!’

Yachi giggled in happiness. “I can’t wait either!” she said aloud but replied with ‘Me too!’ 

She got ready for bed after telling Hinata goodnight. 

Three more days till the dance she thought before drifting off to sleep.

~~To be continued~~

I made the dress and heels in the picture for this chapter! I'm not an artist but I tried \>.</ I wanted to give you guys an image of the type of dress Yachi chose. It kinda reminds me of beauty and the beast (or a present lol) ~.~

PS: For the next chapter, I will atempt to make Yachi and Hinata wearing their dance attire. Most likely will have to refer to images on google.

Also, this chapter was a bit short but I hope you readers enjoyed it! Comments are welcome, let me know what you think!

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