Chapter 30: Heartbroken

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Yachi was exhausted from her crying and ended up falling asleep in the nurse's office. It was about to be lunch time so the nurse pulled the curtain around her and then went off to heat up her lunch in the teacher's lounge.

Hinata was still very furious with Kageyama. The principal had let them off easy since they were both student's who had never gotten into trouble before. And also because they were on the volleyball team and needed to spend their time after school practicing for Nationals instead of being in detention.

When the bell rang for lunch, Hinata made his way to the nurse's office to check on Yachi. The nurse still hadn't returned when he came in. He looked around for Yachi. He looked at the bed area. Is she behind the curtain?

He took a peak behind the curtain to find Yachi sleeping. It is her...,Hinata came closer to her. Her eyes looked a bit swollen from the crying.

"This is the second time I've hit you in the nose," Hinata whispered. He brushed a bit of her from her face. The tissues in her nose made her look a little funny but he was still too bummed to laugh about it.

"Yachi I want to believe nothing happened between you and Kageyama.....but if nothing really happened then why would you keep everything a secret? Why not tell me what was happening?" Hinata looked down sadly. Do you secretly have feelings for Kageyama? That was the question that was really killing him.

"Who's there?" Nurse Kenzou asked when she came in.

"Sorry, it's me. I was just checking up on Yachi," Hinata said coming out and closing the curtain behind him. Nurse Kenzou noticed the cut on his lip.

"Are you one of the boys that was fighting this morning?" she asked.

"Uh, yea," Hinata laughed nervously. "Well, I should get going."

"Wait, are you the boyfriend?" she asked.

Hinata looked back at her before walking out. "No, I'm not."


Yachi woke up well past lunchtime.

"Oh my gosh, what time is it?" she asked.

"It's 2:50 pm. Everyone is in their last class of the day," Nurse Kenzou told her. "Looks like you were really tired," she giggled.

"Oh, no school finishes in 10 minutes! I skipped the whole day!" Yachi panicked.

"Don't worry, I made sure you were excused from all classes today."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" Yachi said, hugging Nurse Kenzou.

"No problem," she smiled.

"Well, I have to go get ready to help the volleyball team. I'm the team manager along with Kiyoko," Yachi explained.

"Oh you know Kiyoko? She's such a good student," Nurse Kenzou said.

"Yea we're good friends," Yachi smiled and started to walk out.

"Yachi!" Nurse Kenzou called to her before she could leave. "I hope things get better between you and your boyfriend."

"Thanks, Nurse Kenzou...for everything," Yachi came back and hugged her again. Then she ran off to the gym.

"Oh, I forgot to tell her she still had the tissues in her nose!" Nurse Kenzou gasped.

Yachi got to the gym a few minutes before the bell rang dismissing everyone. She made her way to the locker rooms and changed into her gym clothes.

"Hey Yachi, you're here early," Kiyoko said, arriving as Yachi was putting on her shoes. Yachi looked up.

"Hey Kiyoko," she smiled. Kiyoko's eyes widened.

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