Chapter 22: Night Walks

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Yachi noticed that Hinata was wearing the orange jacket she had given him. Then she reached into her shirt to make sure she still had on the necklace he had given her. It was still there so she tucked it away again. Since it was cold outside, Yachi walked very closely to Hinata to keep warm. Hinata noticed and put his arm around her surprising her a bit. 

“You seem cold so maybe you’ll be warmer if we walk like this,” he smiled down at her. 

“Oh ok,” she said happily. Hinata was right; she automatically felt her body warm up. Although she wasn’t sure if it was from his body heat or because whenever they got really close it always made her blush. 

“It’s nice to go out for a nature walk, don’t you think?” Hinata asked.

“Yea, it is,” Yachi smiled. 

“I’m surprised no one else is out for a walk,” he said, looking around.

“Maybe they think it’s too cold outside to go for a walk,” Yachi said. 

“Maybe you’re right...Hey, you wanna stop by the convenience store to buy some hot chocolate?” he asked.

“Sure, I could use a hot chocolate,” Yachi nodded. 

 The convenience store was empty when they got there. They got their drinks and went to sit on some stools at the back of the store. 

They sipped on their hot chocolate. 

“I wish this trip was longer,” Yachi said as she looked out the window. 

“Yea it would be nice if we could stay longer,” Hinata agreed. “Why don’t we take a trip ourselves one day?”

Yachi was surprised by his suggestion. 

“You mean like an overnight trip? Just the two of us?” she asked. 

“Yea I mean it's not like we haven't spent the night together before...I mean it’s only if you’re fine with it,” Hinata said.

“Yeah, I would be fine with it,” she told him. “Where would we go?” 

“Anywhere you want to! Well, I would have to get a job and start saving up money to pay for the trip,” Hinata started doing calculations in his head.

“I’ll help pay too!” Yachi said. “Maybe I can get a part-time job at my mom’s work.” 

“Sure, and I can ask Coach Ukai if I could get a part-time job at the store he works at,” Hinata beamed. 

“I know it’s pretty far from Sendai, but I would really like to go to Kyoto,” Yachi said. 

“Then we’ll go to Kyoto,” Hinata smiled. Yachi perked up.

“I want to see all the temples and shrines!” 

Hinata giggled at her eagerness. 


After they finished their drinks, they went back outside to make their way back to the camping site. 

Hinata stopped walking causing Yachi to stop too.

“Isn’t that Kiyoko and Tanaka up ahead?” Hinata asked. 

Yachi looked ahead. She had to squint to see them as they were way up ahead. 

“Yea, that is,” she confirmed. “Kiyoko did mention she wanted to go out for a walk too.”

“We should sneak up on them and scare them!” Hinata suggested.

“Uh...I don’t know-” Yachi started but was yanked away by Hinata.

“Come on we have to get off the trail so they won’t see us,” he pulled her into the forest area. Hinata held onto her hand tightly.

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