Chapter 26: The End of the Camping Trip

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The next morning Hinata came to knock on Yachi and Kiyoko’s cabin. Yachi answered the door.

“Hinata? Why are you here? We don’t leave till 8,” Yachi asked. 

“How are you feeling?” Hinata asked. 

“Kiyoko asked me that too...I have a slight headache but other than that I’m fine...did I get sick last night?” Yachi asked.

“You don’t remember what happened last night?” Hinata looked at her confused. 

“No, I don’t. All I remember is we were doing the walk of courage game then I woke up in bed this morning,” Yachi told him.

“Wow,” Hinata raised his eyebrows. “Uh, come out here for a bit,” Hinata told Yachi. She came out and closed the door behind her. 

“The truth is you got drunk last night,” Hinata told her.

“I was drunk!?” Yachi yelled. 

“Shh, keep it down. No one knows besides Kageyama, Tanaka and I,” Hinata said.

“How did I get drunk? I don’t drink alcohol,” Yachi whispered. 

“Uh hehe, see that’s the funny part. Remember that strawberry soda I gave you last night? Well, turned out it was actually an alcoholic drink,” Hinata laughed nervously.

“Well, that explains the weird taste it had,” Yachi said.

“You’re not mad at me?” Hinata asked. 

“No, of course not. You didn’t mean for me to get drunk, right?” she asked.

“No, no! I didn’t even realize the drink had alcohol in it!” 

“Then there’s no reason for me to be mad,” she smiled.

“Oh…ok,” Hinata sighed in relief. 

“Were you worried I was going to be mad at you?” Yachi giggled.

“Well,...yea I was,” Hinata scratched his head. 

Yachi hugged him. “Well, I’m not,” she said.

Hinata smiled and hugged her back.

“Did you finish packing up your things,” Yachi asked when she pulled back. 

“Yea, I did last night,” Hinata nodded. “What about you?” 

“Yea, I just finished packing up a while ago” she nodded. 

“Well, we don’t check out for about another 30 minutes, want to go for a quick walk on the trail?” Hinata asked. 

“Ok!” Yachi said excitedly. Hinata grabbed her hand and they walked off together. 


Tanaka came out of his cabin. “That Hinata, is he still with Yachi? I need to ask him if he found my wallet yesterday.” 

He walked over to Yachiand Kiyoko’s cabin and knocked on the door. Kiyoko answered it and was surprised to find Tanaka there.

“Is Hinata here?” he asked.

“No, I thought he was out here talking with Yachi,” Kiyoko said looking around outside. 

“Where did those two lovebirds go off too?” Tanaka looked around. 

“Um,...Tanaka, can I talk to you?” Kiyoko asked shyly. 

“Yeah, what’s up?” Tanaka turned to look at her. 

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