Chapter 13: Surprise Party!

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Yachi woke up the next day super excited for the party. She showered and chose out an outfit. Then she started cooking. She made meat buns, yakitori, and sukiyaki. It was already 3 by the time she finished making everything. 

Time to start decorating!

As if on cue, the doorbell rang. It was Kiyoko, she had also promised to help decorate. 

“I made crepes and dangos,” she said, holding up two lunch bags. 

“Oh I’ll take those,” Yachi placed them on the table with all the other food and snacks.

“Wow, that’s quite a selection of food you have there,” Kiyoko said examining the table. There were chips, cupcakes, cookies, rice crackers, meat buns, sukiyaki yakitori and now Kiyoko’s crepes and dangos were added to the selection. 

The doorbell rang again. 

“That must be Hinata!” Yachi went to open the door to let him in. 

He sniffed the air when he came in. 

“I smell meat buns!” He exclaimed. 

“I made some for later,” Yachi told him.

“Aw man I wanted one now,” he pouted.

“Ok you can have one, only one!” Yachi said sternly. 

“Awesome!” Hinata grabbed one and ate it happily. “These are delicious!” he smiled making his cheeks look like a blowfish’s face.

“Thanks,” Yachi said proudly. 

They all got to decorating and blowing up balloons to hang them. 

Tanaka was the first to arrive after they finished decorating. 

“What are you doing here so early? It’s barely 5:30,” Hinata told him when he showed up.

“I wanted to spend some time with Kiyoko before everyone else came,” he whispered in his ear. 

“Oh, right,” Hinata said. Hinata was about to close the door when someone’s foot stopped it. 

“Hold on, I’m coming in too!” Saeko’s voice was heard on the other side. She pushed the door open revealing herself. 

“Oh, Nee-san! I didn’t know you were coming,” Hinata said.

“Oh I wasn’t planning to, but Ryu kept telling me to buy him a few bottles of beer for this party. After asking what felt like a 100 times, I finally agreed on one condition. I had to be here to make sure you kiddos don’t get drunk and do anything stupid,” she explained. 

“Beer?” Hinata, Yachi, and Kiyoko said in unison. 

“Tanaka we never agreed to having beer at the party,” Kiyoko told him sternly.

“I know, I know, but I thought the beer would give the party an exciting touch,” Tanaka grinned. 

“I don’t know…” Yachi chimed in.

“Tanaka come here you knucklehead. You said everyone wanted the beer at the party, you liar!” Saeko put him in a headlock and gave him a noogie.

“I don’t think it’ll be bad to have a few bottles of beer. We’ll just make sure no one drinks enough to get drunk,” Hinata said. 

Tanaka broke loose from the headlock. “Thank you Hinata! See, he agrees,” Tanaka put his arm around Hinata.

“Ok, I guess it’s fine then,” Yachi gave in. 

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