The Little Things (2)

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Author's Note:

ok so awhile back i wrote this chapter called the little things and it was basically just like little moments between jae and the bois. well guess what i'm bringing it back because i have a lot more cute moments in mind and i was like i gotta get this out and make everyone smile with how cute these are gonna be so here ya go here it is enjoy these cute moments and hopefully they make u smile :)

love u guys!


1. Wallet Polaroid

An older interview included a fun question for Jimin where they asked what he usually carries around in his wallet. Jimin didn't hesitate to pull his wallet out of his pocket and open it up, revealing a clear plastic portion that had a polaroid. The hosts' curiosity didn't allow Jimin to go any further, instead pestering the boy about the photo he had tucked in his wallet.

Jimin pulled the picture out of its slot and handed it over to the hosts who started to coo at the piece of film before showing it to the camera. The polaroid was a picture of him and Jae. He had his arms around her waist while hers lay over his shoulders loosely, their bodies pressed close together. Her head was thrown back in laughter while he looked at her with a genuine smile and a fond look in his eyes.

"Oh Jimin!" The hosts exclaimed in surprise.

Jimin hid his face behind his hands for a moment before dropping his arms and displaying his shy smile. "What can I say? She matters to me a lot," he said, shrugging his shoulders and chuckling.

2. Hair

"Jungkook, what are you watching?" Hoseok questioned.

"I saw this hair tutorial video and I thought it'd look good on Jae. I wanna try it on her later when she wakes up from her nap," Jungkook said quickly, his attention focused on the elaborate hairdo the woman was explaining.

When Jae woke up, Jungkook quickly sat her down knowing she wouldn't argue or move when she was still half asleep. Just a half hour later, Jae's long locks had been styled into a braided updo. Jungkook placed his hands on Jae's shoulders, grinning at the mirror as she turned her head to see as much of the style as she could.

"Woah, when did you learn how to do this? Can you do my hair everyday? This is so cool!" Jae praised the boy's work.

"I just like playing with your hair," he said, proud of his work and happy that she liked it.

3. Books

Namjoon was in need of some new reading material so he decided to head to the bookstore in search of a new novel to read. As he was leaving, he had the idea to bring Jae along. He popped his head into her room where she was scrolling through Twitter on her phone and asked if she wanted to tag along. She immediately agreed and they both left the house to find a couple books.

They walked leisurely, hands intertwined as they walked down aisles of books to find something interesting. He stopped when he saw a title he liked, squeezing Jae's hand to signal to her that he wanted to take a look at something. She moved closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder as he scanned the back of the hard cover.

The two ended up sitting in a large beanbag in the corner of the store together, both immersed in a book they had found. His head lay in her lap, one of her hands in his hair and the other holding up the book she was reading. It was a relaxing afternoon for the two idols and Namjoon enjoyed their silent bonding.

4. Midnight Cereal

Jin tip-toed into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge door and reaching for the milk while Jae stood on the balls of her feet as she reached for a box of cereal in one of the higher cupboards. The two giggled once they grabbed the items they wanted.

Jin opened another cupboard and picked up two identical bowls. The two hopped onto the island counter with their freshly made bowls of cereal and started to dig in to their 2 AM snack. They didn't bother with lights, preferring to eat their food quietly in the dark giggling like little girls once in awhile at the thrill of eating a sugary bowl of cereal in the middle of the night.

They finished eating and cleaned up, quickly running back to Jin's room where they flopped onto his bed and sighed contentedly. The two then turned their faces to meet each other's and started to laugh uncontrollably. Once they calmed down, they finally went back to sleep, satisfied and full.

5. Lamb Skewers

Yoongi had dragged Jae out for dinner at his favorite lamb skewer place. The two were chowing down on their second order of the food until they reached the last one in the pile. They both reached for it before looking up to glare at the other.

"I brought you out for lamb skewers," Yoongi reasoned.

"But I'm younger," Jae said.

"Well I'm probably gonna end up paying."

"And what if I pay instead?"

"These are my favorite."

"Well I really like them too and I'm hungry."

"I'm older."

"I already said I was younger!"

"You know what, fine you can have it," Yoongi said smiling through the childish fight.

Jae happily reached for it but stopped midway and called the waiter over instead.

"Could I get a few more lamb skewers please?" she asked. The waiter nodded and quickly brought out a smaller plate, setting it on the table. Jae looked at it and pushed the fresh plate towards Yoongi, smiling at the man. She picked up the skewer from the previous plate, eating it and leaning back to watch Yoongi dig into the new plate happily.

6. Morning Texts

Jae woke up and reached over to the nightstand to grab her phone from where it was charging. She rolled onto her back again, phone in her hands above her face as she looked through her notifications. Right at the top was one from Hoseok.

It read, "Good morning bub, time for practice! I'll see ya out there love, go get ready!"

She smiled at today's morning text. This was something Hoseok did for her every morning. He would never forget to send her a text for her to wake up to.

She quickly got ready and dressed in sweats and a t-shirt for practice, running out to the apartment's entrance hall where Hoseok would be waiting, ready to head to the studio with the other boys.

Her lips lifted up into a smile when she made eye contact with Hoseok and she quickly ran into his frame. "Morning Hobi," she muttered into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her briefly and pulled back to hand her some food for her to eat on the way to practice.

"Can't dance on an empty stomach now, can we?" he said.

The two shook their heads at each other and ate a quick breakfast, finally ready to perfect their new choreography.

7. Rain

Taehyung and Jae were out getting coffee when it started to rain. They had walked to the cafe and were going to have to walk back to the apartment in the stormy weather. They finished their drinks and walked out of the cafe doors, the water pelting them immediately.

Taehyung looked at Jae with a smile as he pulled both their hoods down and walked further out into the rain, arms open and eyes closed as he embraced the cool water. Jae smiled and joined him.

"This feels good, doesn't it?" he asked the girl. She just nodded as she enjoyed the feeling of the water streaming down her body. They walked back to the apartment, occasionally splashing each other. The two were dripping water by the time they made it back and headed into Taehyung's bathroom.

He grabbed two towels and gestured her to come closer and sit on the edge of the bathtub. He placed one towel over his neck and threw the other one over her head, rubbing the water out of her hair.

"There we go, that's better. You'll be dry soon. Why don't you go change and come back?" Taehyung suggested.

Jae ran back to her room, changing into dry clothes and heading back to Taehyung's room. The boy beckoned her closer and pulled her into bed with him, pulling the comforter over them. Jae held onto Taehyung tight and they relaxed into each other's embrace, falling asleep to the sound of the rain against his room's window.

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