Chapter 2

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Chan was silent for most of dinner. Seungmin and Hyunjin were chatting away. Seungmin was showing Hyunjin the pictures Chan had taken that day. They were best friends. Mainly because of their obsession with the supernatural. What great people to be roommates with when the third roommate doesn't believe in that. But Chan couldn't get the goblin and fox out of his mind. What did they mean?

Chan got up from the table and started walking to the entrance. "Guys, I'm going outside to get some fresh air." Seungmin stopped slurping his noodles midway and looked at Chan with large puppy dog eyes.

"Chan-hyung it's raining. You'll get soaked," Seungmin pointed out. Chan ignored him and put on his boots. He grabbed an umbrella and the keys.

"Don't worry Seungmin, I'll be fine. Just... just need to clear my head." Chan walked out the door. But he could still overhear Hyunjin talking with the younger.

"I swear to god something happened in that forest today. I'll talk to him later, but once he gets back." Chan ignored that. He walked down the stairs of the apartment complex and opened the umbrella as he exited. The rain was pouring down. Back in Australia, they had that sometimes—but not as much as here in Korea. It was a nice change from the scorching hot summers there and the actually tolerable winters.

Chan walked down the street and headed straight to the park. The cherry blossom trees there haven't yet bloomed. They're probably one of Chan's favorite parts of living in Korea. He continued walking, his boots stepping in every puddle he could find. Like a kid. Hey it's fun.

As he got closer to the center of the park, something caught his eye. One of the cherry blossom trees. It was in full bloom. And sitting underneath it, was the fox.

It was staring right at him. With sky blue eyes. Why is it here? Doesn't it belong in the forest? Chan ran over to the fox but still didn't get close. The fox looked up to him and it seemed to smile at him. A bright light emerged from it. Chan covered his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding his umbrella.

Chan barely moved them to see the transformation happening right in front of him. The fox started growing five extra tails. It was becoming larger—and more human-like.

In the fox's place was a teenager about 19. He had freckles and pale skin. His eyes were the same sky blue as the fox's. He wore a white hanbok with blue trimmings. The fox person had black fingerless gloves that extended to his elbows. The boy was wearing black baggy pants and traditional sandals with white socks. In his sash was a fan with a flower chain hanging off of it. The boy had traditional earrings and fox ears.

Then there was the tails. He had six of them. Six, pale, beautiful tails. The boy had blonde hair that was styled and showed his forehead.

Chan swore he had seen something similar to him from somewhere before.

The fox smiled at him. It was warm and full of light. "Thank you for saving me from that dokkaebi today. I am grateful."

Chan blinked slowly and uncovered his face. "Th-the dokkaebi? What do you mean?" The fox boy chuckled softly.

"In the forest today remember? Near the river. I was in that fox form and you scared it off. Honestly I would've expected it to attack you but it was a coward and scared of you." The fox boy then did the unexpected. He bowed to Chan.

"My name is Yongbok. I am now in your debt, till I can save you from a threat."

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