Chapter 9

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Chan couldn't get his car. It was back at the university. The original plan was to get ice cream and then walk back. But that had severally backfired. Now Felix was fighting who knows how many dokk-whatchamacallits! He had to get back to him. He couldn't let Felix get hurt.

He opened the door to the apartment and rushed down the stairs. He ran out the door at top speed and rushed to the alley near the ice cream shop. He would get his car but he didn't have time. He needed to get back to Felix, and get him home.

That idiot is going to get himself killed!

Chan still barely knew if Felix could take care of himself. He was scared for him. The further he ran down the street, the more anxious he became.

A nice SUV drove in front of him, and the driver rolled down the window. Chan recognized that face. It was Jackson.

"Dude why are you in a rush?" he asked.

Chan panted. "Will. Explain. Later. Need. To. Find. Felix!" Jackson took off his sunglasses. He leaned to the other side and unlocked the passenger seat door. Chan smiled and slid in. He closed the door and before he could buckle his seatbelt, Jackson hit the gas. Chan screamed and held on for dear life.

"So where's your boyfriend?" Jackson asked. Chan ignored the boyfriend part.

"We were just walking and then I ended up back in the apartment without him!"

Jackson responded. "So you know where Felix is?"

"YES! In that one alley near the ice cream shop."

"I know where that is." Jackson swerved around the corner and continued driving fast. Chan was looking around, his face pressed against the window. The worry was killing him. It felt like someone took a knife and dug it into his chest multiple times.

As they got closer to the ice cream shop, Jackson slowed down. Chan then spotted the alleyway. He couldn't see into it. But from his position he could see flower petals and... Oh god no!

There was blood splattered on the sidewalk.

"JACKSON STOP HERE!" Chan shouted. Jackson moved his foot to the breaks and the car skidded to a stop. Chan quickly opened the door and jumped out. He ran to the alley as fast as he could. Then he saw the scene. Blood was everywhere. And so where pink flower petals. Some of the petals were even dyed in the red tone of blood.

Chan felt like throwing up. He then saw Felix laying on the ground, covered in blood, unconscious.

"FELIX!!" Chan cried out. He ran to Felix's side and picked up his unconscious body and held him in his arms. There were holes in his sweater and pants. Blood was covering him. Some of it was even on his face. At his side were two swords. Both of which were covered in blood.

Chan could feel tears streaking down his face. He was now sobbing his eyes out as he held Felix in his arms. Jackson ran up to his side. He looked... horrified.

"Oh no..." Jackson looked down to see Chan crying.

"Dude don't just stand there! We need to get him some help!" Jackson was right. The longer Chan sat here and cried, the more Felix would bleed out.

Chan picked Felix up in his arms and carried him bridal style, while Jackson picked up the two swords.

He didn't question anything. He just helped Chan get Felix into the car.

Chan went into the back with Felix and held him close, listening to his heartbeat. It was slow and irregular.

"We need to get those dokkaebi bites fixed up." The Aussie looked at Jackson who was closing his door and buckling his seatbelt. Chan was shocked, but mostly confused.

"H-How did you know it was a dokkaebi thingy that attacked him?" Chan trembled.

Jackson looked straight ahead at the road. He didn't look back at Chan. "I recognized those bite marks," he said simply.

"But how did you know what their bite marks looked like?"

Jackson sighed. "Look Chan, you got your weird ass secrets, and I got mines."


Jackson helped Chan transport Felix to his apartment. Some blood had gotten onto Chan's jacket. If he were squeamish, he probably would've fainted from all the blood he had witnessed.

They put Felix on Jackson's couch and Jackson grabbed a first aid kit from the cabinet.

"You know how to perform first aid, right?" Jackson asked, passing him the red box. Chan nodded. Jackson gave him a thumbs up. "I'll be right back buddy, just gotta get his weird swords from my car and pray no one spotted us carrying a bloody body up the elevator." And just like that, he went back out the door.

Chan opened the first aid kit and took out some gauze, ointment, bandages, and soap. He quickly rushed to get a warm glass of water to wash the bites up with. He ran back to Felix with the water and started tending to his wounds.

He hummed to himself as he did so, making sure the bites were clear of blood, putting on ointment, the gauzes, and finally the bandages.

Felix barely opened his left eye. The once beautiful sky blue looked like a dark stormy sky.

"W-Where am I?" Felix asked softly. Chan gently brushed Felix's ruffled blonde hair with his hand.

"Shh, you need to sleep Lix. You need to recover your strength." Felix opened his other eye. He moved himself to get into a more comfortable position.

"Chris?" he asked.

"Yes Felix?" Chan responded. Felix put his small injured hand on Chan's.

"Can—can you cuddle with me?" he asked in a soft tone. Chan took Felix in his arms and smiled at him.

"Of course buddy." And within moments, Felix was fast asleep, his head resting on Chan's chest. Chan traced his finger across the freckles on Felix's face. They were like stars, beautiful stars. And his pale skin was the night sky.

Chan pecked a little kiss on Felix's forehead, then fell fast asleep himself.

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