Chapter 4

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It was still raining outside when Chan woke up. Felix was still asleep. One of his arms was on top of Chan's test. Chan had slowly moved his arm off of him. Felix's hand was very small. For a guy with such a deep voice, everything else about him was so small and cute. It warmed Chan's heart.

Chan got out of the bed and quietly opened the door to his room, making sure not to wake up Felix. He walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Seungmin was already there. And of course he was eating a bowl of cereal. The bags under his eyes weren't as large as usual.

"Morning sleepyhead," he said, putting the spoon in his mouth.

Chan rolled his eyes. "Morning Seungmin," he remarked. Seungmin continued eating his cereal in absolute silence. Chan turned around in his chair to look at Hyunjin's room. And of course the door was locked shut. "That kid needs to fix up his fucked up sleep schedule."

Seungmin nodded in agreement. "I know right." The door to Chan's room slowly opened. Felix peeked his head out of the room.

He looked very tired, but in that cute way with the ruffled behead and the adorable yawning. Seungmin seemed more excited to see him then Chan when he woke up.

"Good morning Yongbok!" he said excitedly through a mouth full of Fruit Loops.

Felix yawned. "Can you please call me Felix?" he said quietly. Seungmin looked very confused.

"When did that happen?"

"Last night me and Felix decided his backstory if he's to follow me around. He's now a foreign exchange student from Sydney named Lee Felix. And today I'm taking him shopping." Felix blinked his blue eyes slowly.

"Shopping? What's that?" he asked. Chan gave him a small smile.

"I'll explain once we go out."


Felix still wore the pink hoodie Chris gave him last night. Although, it's been many moons since he's seen what the mortal world has evolved into. It did change a lot. There were these things called 'cars', according to Chris. He owned one too.

"You need a driver's license before being allowed to drive them," Chris mentioned as he helped Felix into the seat.

Felix looked at the human with excitement. "Do you think I can learn?" he asked. Chris smiled. His dark brown eyes seemed to light up. They reminded Felix of this food called chocolate. Yes, chocolate.

"Maybe I could teach you. But I'm not that great of a teacher so-"

Felix rested a hand on Chris's. "No, no, it's fine. I don't mind. It would be fun." Chris looked back at the road. His face seemed to turn a little red. Why is he so cute? I've never met anyone this cute!


Felix was amazed when they entered the place called a mall. So many people with so many looks and feelings. Each one of them with their own stories. Felix wanted to learn about all of them. But now wasn't the time. As they passed by a store, he saw them. These ears attached to a weird looking band.

Felix's eyes lit up as he saw them. He ran straight into the store to admire them more.

"W-Wait Felix!" Chris chased after him. Felix already picked up the thing and tried it on.

"Chris, what are these called... THEY'RE AMAZING!" Felix was hopping up and down with happiness. Chris looked closer at the strange band.

"Oh that's a headband. You want it?"

Felix smiled and touched the ears. "A headband. The ears are just like my fox ones." Chris patted Felix on the head.

"You can look around for more things if you w-" Felix was already speeding towards a shirt with weird line patterns. After grabbing a few shirts, pants, and jackets Felix returned to Chris.

"This place is amazing!" he said to Chris as they checked out the clothing and headband.

"Well that's the mall for you." Chris passed the bag over to Felix. He carefully took it from his hand. They exited the store together. There were a lot more people now then when him and Chris entered. Now that he thought about it, it's been a long time since Felix has been in such a large crowd like this. He tugged at Chris's jacket.

"Chris I'm scared. Can I hold your hand?" Chris seemed surprised at Felix's remark. The kumiho felt his face burning up. "I-I mean only if yo-" He felt a gentle touch on his hand. Chris had grabbed it. Felix returned the gentle touch.

"Come on Lix. Have you tried dasik before?" Chris asked. Felix shook his head.

"No, I don't think so."

"Well then let's go. We got all day, I finished all my schoolwork anyways so I'm all yours." Chris winked at Felix. Felix smiled softly. He felt his heart speeding up. What's this feeling? I don't think I've ever felt this before. I like this feeling. I hope I can feel more of it.

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