Chapter 6

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"What do you mean I gotta stay here?!" Felix protested.

"C'mon Felix it's only for today. I still need to somehow figure out how to sneak you into my school," Chan pointed out. Felix whined and curled up more into Chan's blanket. Chan sighed and sat down next to the clump. "C'mon Felix, we can get ice cream afterwards," he offered. Felix pouted and covered his face with the blanket. Chan shrugged and patted Felix on the head. He grabbed his bag and left the room.

After closing his bedroom door behind him Woojin came up to him.

"PLEASE help me get Seungmin up, he's still in bed!" Woojin begged.



"Guys you were almost late to class!" Jisung, one of Seungmin's friends, ran up to the three. Seungmin was rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Why didn't you guys let me sleep more?" Seungmin groaned.

Woojin rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "Because you got classes and a life." Seungmin ignored him and started treading slowly to his class. Jisung looked at Seungmin then back at Chan and Woojin. He smiled awkwardly.

"I should really follow him and make sure he doesn't wander into the wrong class again." He turned around and started running in the younger student's direction. "If you see Minho tell him I'm still up for our date on Thursday!" That's if they could find Minho. He would either be in class right now not interacting with a single soul or probably petting a stray cat despite it most likely having fleas or something. Just thinking about cats reminded Chan of when Felix got the cat ear headbands, of how excited he looked and how his whole face lit up when he put them on for the first time. It made Chan's heart flutter.

Now he felt bad for leaving Felix back at the apartment. But how would his teachers react if he brought some random new student on campus claiming he just transferred there. They would most likely want to see the papers or some shit like that. Maybe he could try calling him during lunch. No Felix probably doesn't know what a phone is; he would probably freak out if the landline started ringing randomly.

"Um Chan, you're like staring off into space." Chan snapped back into reality and turned his head to Woojin.

"Oh... sorry."

Woojin groaned in annoyance. "C'mon we'll be late for class let's stop standing around!"


Chan couldn't stop thinking about Felix all day. He was worried. He was all alone in a world he fully didn't understand. Who knows how long he's lived in the forest with no humans to talk to. Chan hopes he's okay.

"Hey Chan, you've been kind of out of it all day," Hyunjin noted. He bit off a piece of his pizza and continued to stare at Chan.

"I just have a lot on my mind."

Seungmin butted in. "We just got a new roommate recently and Mr. Christopher Bang can't stop thinking about him," he snickered. Chan felt a blush creeping up on him.

"No I haven't. Shut up Seungmin!"

Woojin's younger brother shrugged. "You not admitting that you like Felix is like saying Minho doesn't love cats more than humanity." Minho looked up from his phone.

"What's this about my sons?" Minho growled. Seungmin pouted.

"Nothing." He wrapped an arm around Chan's shoulders and softly punched him. "Just making a point that our Channie here is in love."

Jeongin smiled at what Seungmin said. "I can't believe Chan's in love! When can I meet the lucky guy?" Chan covered his ears in annoyance.

"I am not in love!" Chan pouted and crossed his arms. His group sighed. Looks like their fun was ruined. They ate their lunch silently.

Then two hands reached around Chan's head and covered his eyes.

"Guess who?" muttered an extremely deep voice. Chan softly grabbed the arms. They were extremely soft, the deep voice seemed to be wearing a fluffy sweater.

"Is it... I don't know, just tell me I don't recognize the voice!" The hands moved from Chan's eyes to around his chest. A pink sweater. Chan looked up to see all of the people, Felix! He was smiling back at him, his strange necklace dangling from around the collar.

"How did you not recognize me? I feel betrayed!"

Chan put his free hand on Felix's smaller ones. "Sorry I just never heard your voice go that de-" He remembered that all his friends were watching him. Chan smiled awkwardly. Seungmin sprang up from his seat.

"FELIX! YOU'RE HERE!" he shouted with a spring in his voice. Felix giggled.

"In the flesh!" Jeongin leaned back and smiled mischievously.

"So," he said slowly. "This is the Felix you mentioned?" Chan nodded nervously, his face was becoming hot.

Felix tightened his grip around Chan and rested his head on Chan's broad shoulders.

"Well, yah. I thought he was staying back at the apartme-"

Felix came into the conversation. "We haven't exactly figured out my transfer papers. My parents are still dealing with them back in Australia." His Aussie accent was surprisingly good, Felix almost sounded like he was born there and not a 600 year old creature of myth.

"So, Felix. What's your major?" Hyunjin asked. Felix froze. He didn't plan that far.

Chan said the first thing that came to his mind. "Lix here is a dance major." It would make sense if Felix did do dance as a major. He looks nimble and light on his feet. He would make a great dancer. It would be amazing to witness Felix do a traditional dance. Now that's going to be in my mind the rest of the day.

Jisung who was quiet during the whole conversation elbowed his boyfriend. "You and Minho can practice together sometimes, he's a dance major too!"

Minho rolled his eyes. "Babe no."

"Babe please," Jisung begged, giving him his puppy dog eyes. Minho smiled softly and ruffled Jisung's red hair.

"Okay, for you."

Felix smiled. "That's so sweet! How long have you too been together?"

"Since school started," Jisung responded, moving closer to Minho who wrapped his arms around his neck. There seemed to be a longing in Felix's eyes. His blue eyes seemed to be full of sadness, like he wanted something he loved dearly back.

It hurt Chan to see Felix looking so sad.

"Are you okay buddy?" Chan asked.

Felix simply responded, "Yah. I'm fine Chris. It always makes me so happy when I see a couple together."

But that was a lie, Chan could hear the hurt creaming Felix's voice which seemed to go up a few octaves when he spoke.

A/N: Ai we got close to 1100 words in this chapter I feel proud of myself!

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