Chapter 8

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Once Felix was sure Chris was back at the apartment, he turned his attention to the dokkaebi. He smirked, baring his teeth at them.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" The dokkaebi growled and screeched at him. Felix laughed at them as he swung his blade around.

"Admit it, you all missed me," Felix said sarcastically.

The biggest dokkaebi stepped forward. "You will pay for your sins Yongbok. You will pay for the debt you broke all those centuries ago!" it growled. Now that pissed off Felix. His eyes narrowed and he stopped smirking.

"It looks like," he said tilting his head. "You're all petty enough to mention that mess you bitches." Felix launched himself at the larger dokkaebi and started slicing. He dug the blade into an arm of the larger dokkaebi and it screeched in horror. Cherry blossoms were blooming from its arm where the fresh wound was located. A smaller dokkaebi ran at Felix and bit into his leg.

Felix lifted the sword out of the dokkaebi's arm and stabbed the one that bit him in the leg right in the head. The dokkaebi let go and fainted, turning into flower petals. Felix turned to the remaining dokkaebi and whistled.

"Damn I never thought it would do that," he said rolling his eyes. The dokkaebi started screeching again and seemed even more pissed off then Felix was. I mean I did just stab their friend in the head. But he bit my leg and it hurts.

Felix swung his sword at two of the dokkaebi and sliced them in half, blood spurting as they turned into more flower petals. Some of it was left on Felix's blade and pants. Fuck. Another dokkaebi tried biting Felix's arm but he kicked it to a wall and it went unconscious. The largest dokkaebi was sitting on top of an object known as a garbage can. It seemed to be waiting, biding its time for Felix to get tired.

Like that would happen.

Felix rushed to a dokkaebi that was preparing to jump on him. He dug the sword into its eye. It screamed in horror as its eye turned into a cherry blossom. Felix kicked it straight in the face. He removed the sword from its eye and stabbed it right in the head. It turned into petals and the wind blew them away.

"Four down." Felix glared at the remaining. "Six more bitches to kill." Three of the dokkaebi were rushing towards him, teeth bared, ready to kill. But Felix wasn't going to go that easily. He's just begun this life, and no stupid goblins were going to ruin it. Felix took his other earring and turned it into another sword. One of the dokkaebi jumped at him and bit his hand. Felix grunted and stabbed it with his free hand.

It turned into the pink petals once again. There was now blood dripping from his hand. There were still three of them left, including the giant one.

Felix still had some fight in him. For Bang Chan. The other two were running at top speeds and Felix used his dual swords to slice them in half. Their blood went everywhere and what was left of them turned into cherry blossoms. Last but not least, was the giant one. The leader.

"So," he spoke. "Going to give up mate?" The dokkaebi jumped off the trash can and approached Felix. It growled at him and opened its mouth. Saliva dripped out. The dokkaebi was almost Felix's height, but with bigger claws and teeth.

"I won't rest till your sins have been paid for," it snarled.

Felix sighed. "And I won't rest till you leave me the fuck alone!" The dokkaebi prepared its attack.

"So, you have chosen death?" Felix shrugged. His confidence came back and he smirked.

"No. I think it is you who has chosen death young fox." And they went into attack.

The dokkaebi swung its large claw at Felix and he dodged. He slid under the dokkaebi and stabbed its foot. The dokkaebi dug its teeth into his arm and Felix cried out in pain. He elbowed the creature and dug the free sword into its eye. Felix lifted them out of the stab wounds and the cherry blossoms started blooming in them.

But the dokkaebi didn't let go. It dug its teeth deeper and deeper into Felix's arm. Felix knew it was time.

He aimed the two swords at the head, and sunk them in. The dokkaebi's eyes went blank. It finally let go. It slowly turned into flower petals, and then blew away in the wind.

Felix let out a heavy breath and fell to his knees. Where the dokkaebi bit him had ripped a giant hole in his sweater, the one Chris gave to him. There was now blood on him, his swords, and his clothes. Both from Felix, and the dokkaebi he just killed.

The sad thing was, from what the leader talked about, Felix knew why they came for him. It happened only 501 years ago and the gods were still pissed off? How petty.

Felix laughed to himself, and then fainted.

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