Chapter 15

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"Lixie are you feeling better?" Chan asked as Felix drank the water. He was still shaking from the shock. Everyone was sitting around him. Jeongin was brushing his back, meanwhile Minho was trying to show him videos of his cats.

Felix rubbed his eye. "A-a little."

"Felix, what the hell did you even see?" Hyunjin asked as he crouched down in front of the kumiho. Felix blinked slowly. He wrapped his fingers around Chan's wrist.

"I really don't wanna talk about it." Everyone nodded in understanding. At least they aren't pestering him about it.


Minho asked if he could drop Chan and Felix off at their apartment.

"Thanks Minho," Chan said as they got into the car. Felix was laying down in the back sleeping. Minho scoffed.

"Don't mention it hyung. It's the least I could do after today." He started the engine and began backing out of the parking lot. He squinted at the rearview mirror as someone stepped behind the car. He cursed under his breath.

It was a man dressed in a grayish icey-blue hanbok with white sleeves and pants. Hanging around his neck was a black gat. The man's eyes were the color of wisteria flowers. His hair was brown with white streaks in it.

Grasped in his hands were two swords with blue hilts and snowflake charms hanging off the end.

The man had eight long, white tails.

Chan's eyes dilated in fear. He leaned into the back and shook Felix awake.

"Lix, LIX!" Felix sat up and turned his head. Like with the dokkaebi, his eyes turned more fox-like. His nails became more pointed, so did his teeth.

"Minho, pedal to the metal."

Minho listened and shot out of the parking lot like a bat out of Hell. The man jumped out of the way like a goddamn kangaroo. Everyone in the car except Felix screamed. Felix's hands were dangerously close to his earrings.

Chan's friend sped out of the parking lot (he almost ran over some freshmen). Minho noticed how Felix didn't look normal. But he didn't question anything. Everyone saw that bastard. Chan's guess was that he was after Felix, just like those damn goblins.

Minho started slowing down as they got further from the university. Chan let go of the arm rest and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Oh my god is he gone?"

"Fucking hope so!" Minho responded.

Felix slowly shook his head. Minho screamed.

"Do you—by any chance—k-know him?" Chan asked. He hoped Felix didn't, but the more likely answer is yes.

"His name is Jaehyung. He was my senior, by two hundred and eight years."

Minho hit the brakes hard. Thankfully they were at a stoplight and there weren't any small children nearby to pummel. He slowly turned and looked at Felix. Shock and fear was crossing his face, and multiple other emotions.

He mumbled at first.

"H-How old are you...?"

Felix shrugged.

"Six hundred and nineteen years old." Minho slowly turned back and kept his mouth shut. After five full minutes of silent driving, he turned his attention to Chan.

"So you like the oldies?" Chan almost choked the sucker. Felix laughed for the first time almost all day. Chan smiled softly. He stopped. All of a sudden he was alert.

"Minho, take us to the forest."

"Okay old man whatever you say."


Minho parked his car in front of the forest. All three of them got out. Somehow Felix changed into his hanbok and true form. He took the earrings off of his ears and turned them into swords. Minho whistled.

"Damn, I should ask Jisung to dress in hanboks. I forgot how nice they look on some people." Felix smiled.

"I'm flattered Minho, but now isn't the time." Felix got into a defensive position. He seemed so confident. Only earlier was he scared out of his mind. Maybe he's only acting brave because we're here. Chan's eyes darted around the surrounding area.

This was the same forest that he and Seungmin were in that day. The day he saved Felix. The day his life changed forever. Of course Felix chose to go here of all places to hide. It had memories, memories that would make them seem calmer in the situation. Oh Lixie you mad genius.

Felix's fox ears perked up. His aura became more alert.

"Jae's close by," he growled.

"Well fuck we're all going to die!" Minho cried out. Felix shook his head.

"No one is going to die today, I won't allow it." He shot a cold glare at the two of them. "I recommend running as far away from this area as possible. Since Jae is only a few decades from being nine hundred he's going to be extremely powerful."

Chan shook his head. "I'm not leaving. Felix you're still recovering from yesterday's fight." Felix looked down at his bandaged hand. He smiled at Chan.

"I'll be fine Chris, I promise. No, I swear on Kayee that I will be fine." Minho grabbed Chan's arm.

"Come on we have to listen to Felix!" Minho begged. Chan looked at his friend, then back at Felix. He returned one last smile to the student.

"Yongbok where the hell are you!" There was distant yelling. Fear showed up on Felix's face.

"Change of plans I'm teleporting you two further into the forest." And at that moment, Chan and Minho started dissolving into cherry blossom petals, just like in the alleyway. The last thing Chan saw was a teary eyed Felix.

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