Chapter 14

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"Are you sure you'll be okay Lix?" Chan asked Felix as they walked onto campus. Felix rubbed his hand where the bandage was. The day before Seungmin had come home and attached a cute fox sticker onto Felix's bandages and hugged him. It was very wholesome and Chan even caught it on camera.

"Don't worry I'll be fine. I know how to protect myself," Felix responded. Chan averted his eyes from the fox boy and gently took Felix's hand in his. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it. Felix's face turned as pink as his cat ear headband.

"I just don't want you getting hurt again." Felix let out a small whimper and pulled his sweater up to cover his face.

"Great job you flustered the boy," a monotone voice called out. Chan let go of Felix's hand and Felix peeked out from his sweater hole. Standing in front of the two of them was Jackson of all people. Chan let out an annoyed groan. Felix gave Jackson a small smile, his blush disappearing.

"How are you doing Jackson?" he asked. Jackson simply shrugged.

"I'm good, how are you recovering?"

"I'm feeling a lot better thanks to Channie." Felix turned around and gave Chan a shy smile. It was Chan's turn to get all flustered and embarrassed. He covered his face with his hands. Chan could hear Felix's soft giggle.

Meanwhile Jackson sounded like a dying horse.

"You two are so fucking cute together! Still waiting up on that wedding invitation though not gonna lie," Jackson said through his laughter. Chan moved his hands and gave the idiot the stink eye.

"Hey Chan!" another voice called out. Running towards them was Hyunjin and Minho. Chan waved at them.

Hyunjin stopped in front of Chan.

"Can we borrow Felix for a couple hours? We want to see how good his dancing skills are," Hyunjin asked. Minho nodded. Chan nervously swallowed.

"I don't know. Felix got attacked by this crazy cat yesterday and I don't know if it's okay for him to do that much exercise." Chan could hear Felix growling in annoyance behind him.

"Hyung," he said, crossing his arms. His voice seemed to get deeper at that moment, making Chan blush like crazy again. "I didn't break my fucking bones I can still operate like a fucking human being. If I start hurting again I'll just have Minho and Hyunjin call you."

"Yeah, what he said," Minho responded pointing to Felix. Chan thought for a moment. Felix was right. But what if something more dangerous came along? No but Jackson was here the 'petty gods' wouldn't dare do something like that, right?

"Okay, Felix can go with you two." Hyunjin and Minho high-fived each other and took Felix by his arms.

"C'mon Lixie we're going dancing." As they walked away Felix turned his head and gave Chan a huge smile.

God he's so cute.


Chan sat in class. He wished he had some sort of practice today like Minho and Hyunjin. Boy did he wish he was dragged off along with Felix. Chan averted his eyes towards the clock and blinked tiredly. When will the break just start?

The student yawned and pulled his hood over his head. He looked to the door, and saw something.

A boy near his age. He had black hair that unfortunately covered his eyes. He was wearing a jean jacket with a black hoodie drawn over his head. His skin seemed to be awfully paled. Chan rubbed his eyes and the boy was gone.


The bell for break finally rang as Prof. Park finally finished his boring ass lecture about who knows what (Chan was half awake during it). He grabbed his stuff and ran out the door. He saw Minho's boyfriend, Jisung and their friend Jeongin walking in the direction of the dance studio.

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