Chapter 5: B L O O D S H E D

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[slaughter; carnage]

She had witness so much carnage, carnage that no one in the monitor room could even think of ever seeing. She had witnessed it, had done it, and had personally experience it in her tenure with WWE and more often than not with the same man making a bloodshed inside the ring as she watched.

As the thumbtacks were placed, she couldn't help the smile from forming her lips. This was what Jon was known for. The blood, the carnage, and the sheer brutality of it all. While making sure the producers were listening to her instructions for the outcome.

"I sometimes forget how you can stomach all of this." Tony pointed out with a smirk.

"I had witnessed Jon in a much worse state, some I'm personally responsible for. So thumbtacks and barbwire is just child's play for me." she pointed out. "And that man in the ring is just scratching the surface of what he is willing to do with his body, in what capacity we're allowing him to be in." she added.

She hated to admit it, but she knew more about the man as much as she tried deny it. It shows in how she had made sure the camera team instructions to a perfect angle to whatever Jon was planning before it was even about to happen. She had caught the interest of Billy Gunn and Arn Anderson in her actions as this was her first time taking charge of the Pay-Per-View, most of the time it was Cody or even Tony with her just helping on the side, this was her first time finally taking control and she proved herself finally when she showcased what the unhinged was capable of doing.

A collective groan escapade from everyone at the sight of Jon removing Joey's boots and slamming him into the bed of thumbtacks. A smile forming bigger on her face at the notion. She truly believed that Jon was capable of providing all the necessary emotion to get everyone involved in his match, he had done so for such a long time there was no doubt, about what else he is capable of doing if given the opportunity.

As soon as the Paradigm Shift was over, she had watched the man place Joey for the pin and finally the victory to cement his future in AEW, a future she could not give her in her time with the company nor could anyone else involved with WWE following the fallout.

All that was left was Kenny Omega interrupting his victory to finally cement their feud in the upcoming weeks. She slipped off her headphone and allowing Cody to take over for her as she now had to take over a conference call with WWE as this will be the last one she will have with the company after resigning from her post and giving everything back to her estranged father and the family that felt more like a family without her in the picture.

"You're joining us for drinks, right?" Tony inquired sensing her attempts of just escaping as soon as the show ends.

"A few. I just need to talk to my father about something." She muttered before making her departure from the monitor room.


For once, she had actually enjoying her time having drinks with Tony and the rest of the crew. A smile on her face seeing the Bucks and Kenny enjoying being part of it even with the lack of alcohol or a smoke, their straight-edge personality reminded her so much of CM Punk for some reason and she just wanted to talk to a friend that wasn't part of all this mess, just to get a clear picture of what she should be doing with her life.

"I heard from Joshua that you've given back WWE to your father and your sister." Tony pointed out to which she shrugged, taking a sip of her beer in the process.

Her talk with her father and the rest of the McMahon-Helmsley wasn't for the best. Everyone turned their back at her for being part of AEW, the lead competition of the company. Every single one of them felt betrayed and it showed it her father that made sure to make her living life hell for everything that she had done, there was Paul that was just fed up with her as much as he had told her and hoped that she didn't have anything more to do with the dissolution with WWE. There was also Stephanie that sound the most victorious, she now has control as much as their father and she had made sure to point out to Sonya that she was the real winner between the two of them in the war all those years ago, at the mention of what Jon had done to her had her just hang up and made sure their secretary knew that no one will be contacting her anymore unless it would be through her assistant.

The only one that she can actually call a family in the circus was her mother Linda and her big brother that had congratulated her in the rising success of the new company. It was all she needed at this point. Vince, Stephanie, and not even Paul mattered in her life anymore, they made it evident and she wasn't about to force them to love her, she was just tired of doing the same thing anymore.

"Let's just say from now on I'm 100% involved with AEW from now on." She finally explained.

"But your family?"

"We're not in speaking terms anymore. To them I betrayed them and fed you inside details about the company to make our product better." She shrugged. "The only family I have right now is my mother, my big brother, and my son. No one else matters." The very idea of her daughter also came to mind but she wasn't too far off to let such a secret slip off her lips.

"Hey Lady Boss," A smile was on her lips seeing the competition going on between Sammy and the rest of his band of friends in the crew.

She stood excusing herself from Tony as he was now busy talking business with Cody and Brandi and made her way towards the group already realizing what the competition was all about.

"We've placed a bet," Sammy explained seeing the panic in the eyes of Marko Stunt and the hysteric laughter in Darby Allin. "We're seeing who can last longer before Jon Moxley would punch us in the face."

"Oh that is not a bet you three should do with him after the match he's been through." She pointed out seeing the man in deep conversation with Kenny Omega and PAC. "I can't vouch for either of your three's safety. You're all on your own with that one."

It was a horrible bet the three could make. She had heard how out of it the man was while the medical team worked on his wounds and the thumbtacks lodge into various parts of his body. The man had been so out of it that many of them had pointed out that her name slipped out of his lips far too many times to be normal—even for a man like Jon Moxley.

The man was resilient that much she can admit, but that didn't mean the man wasn't in a bad mood. The man was beyond pissed and she wasn't going to be the one to calm the monster in him, she was not that woman anymore to do so.

With a shrug, all three men made their way towards Jon, join in the conversation. She couldn't help but just look at the man, the same man that she had loved two years ago. He was so different but all the little quirks were still the same. The way he would lick his lips slightly whenever he felt nervous or uncomfortable, to the way his dimples would deepen in his smile as he actually enjoyed what Sammy had said.

"Where is that hot lawyer of yours?" Brandi Rhodes interrupted her line of sight with the mention of Joshua.

She blushed at the mention of her eccentric and sassy lawyer. To many, even to Jon Moxley that watched her being driven off by the handsome man, the man was more than just a lawyer to her, but there are just some secret between them that no one knows about. To many the man was flirty with heart eyes for her, but what many don't know was he was swinging for the same team.

"He's busy, as far as I know." She shrugged but knowing he was spending time with her daughter with his boyfriend, both of them openly admitting on using Samantha as practice in the future that they would have their own little family.

"You really not worried about your ex being here?" she wondered, their eyes now focused back on Jon and the rest of the guys talking.

The way the man was tapping his fingered on his collar bone only meant one thing: the man was in the brink of punching someone. By the looks of the three assholes annoying everyone, she was certain it would be Marko would take the burnt of it all.

"I am worried." Sonya finally admitted. "I am always worried. I don't want what happened in WWE to happen here. I got this great opportunity here and I don't want to ruin it with the same mess I've made in WWE."

"But it's still Dean Ambrose."

"No. What you're seeing is Jon Moxley. WWE killed what was left of Dean."

"Are you happy about that then? After everything that happened with Dean?"

"No." she turned to look towards the woman. "I never had my closure with the man they killed. I don't think I ever would."

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