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"and with that i just want to say thank you for everyone in my life that helped me to achieve where i am today, and thank you all for coming tonight." alex finishes

"oh and stream gone by jack and jack" he adds, smiling. everyone chuckled and looked over at jack and johnson and cheered. jack had his arm wrapped around madison still which kinda made my heart quench a little.

over a months worth of therapy sessions, he goes back to the thing that drove him to the sessions in the first place. i looked over at johnson, he had done the same too which made us automatically create eye contact with each other. i smiled at him and he returned one back. he came a bit later than gilinsky but either way it's kinda nice seeing him here after all these years.

i look over at jess who's wrapped around elias' left arm. i look down at my empty plate and figured it was time to go home now. i tap jess' hand to get her attention.

"hm" she answers "i'm leaving now sis, thank you so much for inviting m-"

"wait do you not want me to leave with you" she worries. i look back at elias who was conversating with some loaded businessmen then look back at her and smirk. she gets my idea and giggles and mouths a 'thank you'.

i smile back and stand from my seat not forgetting my purse. i look ahead at jack one more time and he's literally gawking at me. he notices me looking and doesn't stop, except he starts glaring into my eyes and we make strong eye contact for a good five seconds until i break it and back out of my chair. i sigh walk over to alex and wish him another happy birthday before leaving.

i make my way out all the way down to the parking lot and find my car. i unlocked it whilst making my way towards it and hop in once i get to it. i lay back onto my car seat and take a breather.

so jack is back with madison. okay. that's it. i sigh and take my phone out my purse. i put my key in the ignition and start my car. i go back to looking at my phone and click the apple music icon. what to listen too?... hmm

why don't i give jack and jacks ep a listen. i shrug and thought why not. i look at the four songs click the first one 'distraction'.

i smile and thought of how good of a singer jack was. my heart begins to warm at the thought him always singing in the shower, johnson too. i remember making random beats with acrylic nails and him always rapping along with the beat.

i back out of the parking spot and drive out the parking lot, whilst having distraction playing in the back.

i stop at a red light continue to take in the lyrics. i can't help but think of madison whilst it plays. i mean the lyrics kinda make sense, and he did bring her to the restaurant tonight.


i slip on my fluffy bunny slippers and take my hair out my towel and quickly blow dry it. my phone vibrates, i look down at it and says jack sent me text message. i scrunch my brows and stop the blowdryer. i pick my phone up and automatically unlocks to jacks message.

jack: cheetos or takis?

wtf? i scrunch my brows even more and shrug just ignoring it. probably wrong person. i pick up my blow dryer and my phone vibrates again. i huff and look back it

jack: hellllooo i haven't got all day

i roll my eyes and reply. guess not.

me: cheetos. now go away

i lock my phone and unplug my blow dryer putting it back where it belongs. i stand from my seat and shove my shorts down since they were rising all the way up to my ass.

once i'm done, i make my way downstairs into my kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine and go to my living room and resume on an episode of rick and morty, that is until my phone vibrates again.

jack: can't do that when i'm already at your gate...

my eyes widen at the message and i quickly reply

me: please tell me your kidding.

jack: open ur gaaaate

i stand up from my couch and press the key button my lock pad and unlocked my door. i walk over to my kitchen and put my wine glass on the counter.

i heard my door shut and a grunt. i turn and see jack hanging his jacket up, and a bag in his hand.

"what are you doing here?" i ask folding my arms. he looks at me from head to toe and analyses my outfit. shit.

i look down and remember what i had on. "i'll just go chang-" i mumble

"why?" he cuts me off "i've seen you naked many times. this is nothing to me" he adds on. made me cringe but feel a bit more comfortable at the same time. i sigh and walk over to him.

"i brought cheetos" he smiles holding up the bag, "and other things but i can't remember what." he shrugs giving me the bag.

"why?" i ask and he just shrugs "why not?"

"because firstly your back with madison and secondly-"

"woah. i'm not back with madison." i scrunch my brows for like the 500th time tonight. "i only brought her to the dinner tonight because we both knew the guy and had no one to go with." he explains

"so, you're cool with her now?" i ask, leaning against my wall. he shrugs and sits on my couch "i mean yeah we just about sorted things but..."

"...but i don't have any feelings for her whatsoever." he confesses keeping his eyes glued to the floor. i raise my brows. he sounds genuine. i unfold my arms and walk over to him, and sat on the arm of my couch. "so the guy she supposedly supposed to be with?" i ask

"oh erm, they're still together, i guess... i don't really know, and i don't think i care to be honest." he sighs laying back.

"your songs have some pretty nice lyrics." i say changing the subject, and the mood too. i stand up to pick up the bag with the snacks in it. "you liked em?" i nod my head and smile looking inside the bag filled with goodies. tampons? i take them out the bag with a confused face and show jack.

"isn't it your time of the month?" i smile. he remembered "tomorrow" i say putting them back in the bag.

"your back must be aching." he says pulling me by waist and bringing me closer to him. i roll my eyes and sigh remembering my pain will get even worse tomorrow "yeah it's killing me"

"why didn't you attend any of your other sessions?" i ask, keeping my hands to myself. he shrugs and moves his hands all the way around my waist "i just thought it would've been a little awkward to meet back in the office." i shrug, agreeing because he has a point.

"however, i did miss you though." he adds on. i roll my eyes.

"kiss me" he says, bluntly.

my eyes widen at his words "you what?"

"did i stutter?" he asks. "no but why the hell would you think i-" next thing you know my lips were pressed against his. he pulled me forward which gave me no choice but sit on his lap, in a straddling position.

i can't lie. i've missed this feeling.

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