Beach Walk

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I woke up and yawned. 

I stretched and sat up. It was still pretty dark in the room but I looked my phone which said 11 o'clock. 

I sighed. No text yet nor a call from my Dad. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I stretched once again and walked over to the curtains. I opened them and was greeted by sunlight. 

Nice, I looked at the beach and the sea and decided to make a nice walk aong the beach after I ate some breakfast. 

I walked downstairs after I got my socks on and looked for the kitchen. Goddamnit, this house was huge. I easily could get lost in it. 

I finally found the kitchen and there were freshly baked croissants, judging by the smell, and orange juice placed on the bar. There was a card with my name on it next to it. 

I turned the card. 'We have to attend an important event this evening. Floyd is ready to take you anywhere to get a dress. Just press the car button on the panel next to the door and Floyd will be waiting for you downstairs. Be home at 5.' It said in a neat handwriting. 

A dress huh? I could fix that. After I ate this delicious breakfast ofcourse. 

I ate the croissants which were perfect and drank the juice. 

After I did that. I placed the plate and the glass in the dishwasher after I found out where it was. 

I jumped a little when I heard someone say. 'No, No. M'am, you don't have to do that!' I turned around and looked at a lady, probably around her 40's. She had brown hair up in a knot and wore a cleaners outfit. 

'It's okay. It's nothing.' I told her and smiled. 'If Mr. Dallas finds out that I let you do that then I will be fired.' She said softly to me. 

'It's okay. I won't tell him. I swear. I always clean my stuff up myself.' I smiled to her. 

'Is he always like that?' I asked her. She looked at me and raised one eyebrow. 

'Like what?' She asked me confused. 'That strictly.' I told her, referring to what she just said. 

'Oh, yes. He is a busy man and doesn't have time to do it himself that's why I'm here.' She told me and started to clean the counter where I just had breakfast. 

'Oh, aren''t you afraid of him?' I asked her. He seemed intimidating. 

'No, not really. Only when I do something wrong but I work here for almost 3 years now and he is gone most of the time.' She told me. 

I looked at her. 'He seems intimidating and stressed if you ask me.' I told her honest. 

'He is stressed for sure and intimidating aswell.' She said softly. 

'Doesn't he have a girlfriend?' I asked her curious. 'No, he doesn't have time for that. He is always working.' She shook her head. 

'What's wrong?' I asked her while I looked at her shaking her head. 

'He is just a man, you see. He needs love, he is just a human. But he doesn't have time for that. It's such a shame.' 

'I understand.' I nodded. 'I will get dressed now but it was nice to meet you. What's your name?' I asked her. 

'Paula.' She told me and smiled. 'Well I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you, Paula.' I said and smiled. 

'Nice to meet you too, Miss.' She said and I walked out of the kitchen upstairs. 

I got to my room and walked into the walk in closet. I dressed warmly since it would be pretty cold outside around this time of the year. 

I wrapped a scarf around my neck and got into my coat. I got my boots on and walked downstairs again. 

I walked into the kitchen again. 'Paula, I will be outside to take a walk down the beach.' I told her. 

'Alright, have fun, Miss.' She told me and went back to work. I walked towards the door. 

'Thank you, Paula. Bye.' I said and walked out of the door. I put in my earphones and started my music. I walked down the stairs and looked to my left. It was a small path that would probably lead me to the beach. 

I walked onto the beach and took in the cold air. I looked around. I would walk to the left side of the beach and then back. I started to walk while I had my hands in my pockets. The wind made me feel cold but the sun was gently warming my face. 

I enjoyed the view and my music and I decided to turn around after 20 minutes. I walked back and decided to sit down for a minute. I sat down in the cold sand and took out my earphones. I listened to the waves that were kissing the shore and the wind that was blowing. 

I looked back to the house and noticed a figure standing infront of the windows. It seemed like it was on the phone and it looked a lot like Cameron. I think he saw me so I smiled and turned around. 

I looked a little longer to the waves until my thoughts were interrupted by someone. 

'Nice view huh?' A male voice with a thick accent asked me. I looked up and saw a black haired guy with a nice tan standing behind me. 

'Yeah, I love it.' I told him. 

He sat down next to me and introduced himself as Calum. I introduced myself and smiled to him. 

He was gorgeous, tanned and he had a nice accent, I guess it was Australian. 

'Do you live here?' He asked me and looked at me. I looked at him. He had beautifull eyes and a nice smile aswell. 

'I currently live there.' I told him and pointed to Cameron' house. I couldn't see the figure infront of the window anymore now. 

'Aah,' He said. 'I live there with a few mates.' He told me and pointed to a penthouse three houses to the right. 

'Cool!' I beamed. 'But you aren't from here right? I guess, from your accent.' I asked shyly. 

'No I used to live in Australia before I came here.' He told me and chuckled. 

'I thought so.' I told him and giggled.

'Could I like maybe get your number?' He asked me shyly. 'Sure.' I told him and he handed me his phone.

I put in my number and handed the phone back to him.

'Thank you.' He said and smiled.

I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up to see Cameron standing behind us in a black coat. 

'You coming?' He asked me bluntly. 

'Dallas.' Calum greeted Cameron with a nod. 'Hood.' Cameron said while he kept looking at me. 

'Euhmm... Yeah, I have to go. But I guess I will see you around?' I asked Calum. 

'You will.' He said and stood up. I stood up aswell and smiled to Calum. 

'I will go now. Bye (Y/N)' He said before he walked away. 'Bye, Calum.' I said before I looked at Cameron again. 

'What?' I asked when he turned around and started to walk back to the house. 

'You can't just disappear.' He said annoyed. 'Jezus, I just went for a walk down the beach.' I told him in disbelieve while I catched up with him. 

'I'm not five anymore and besides that I told Paula about it.' I told him as he kept walking fast back to the house. 

'I have to do my job, my job is to protect you so I want you to ask my approval first before you do something.' He told me sternly. 

'Maybe if you just talk to Paula for once you would know where I went. Who do you think you are?' I asked him annoyed. 

I jammed my hands in my coat pockets and followed him up the stairs to the frontdoor. 

'I'm the one you listen to.' He told me and opened the door. 

I huffed. 

This would a long, looooong day. 

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