Mad? What for?

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I was in my room when I heard people laugh in the livingroom. I stood up from my bed and slowly walked through the hallway and the laughing got louder with every step I took. 

I looked around the corner and saw a girl with long brown hair keeping Cameron trapped with her legs on each side of him while she tickled him. I only saw her back while Cameron was on the ground, laughing. 

My throat started to hurt and I felt tears prickle in my eyes. Keep it together, (Y/N). Keep it together. He clearly likes this girl and he probably knows her longer than he knows you because he is letting her do whatever she wants and he is laughing about it. It wasn't going to happen anyway. So don't let it get into your head again. A small voice was telling me. I walked back into my room and got undressed. I slipped into my running clothes and put on my runningshoes. 

I silently walked to the room where Nash was reading something. 

I opened the door and looked at him. He looked up at me. 

'Heey (Y/N), are you alright?' He asked me and furrowed his eyebrows. 

'Yeah, I'm out for a run. So if you are looking for me. Don't tell Cam please. He is too busy. See you later, Nash.'  I told him and closed the door. Leaving him confused.

I walked to the door and opened it softly. I made sure nobody would see me and slipped out. I put in my earphones and started to play some music on my Ipod.

I started to run down the street and let my feet take me anywhere. I just needed to clean my head and get these stupid ideas out of it. I ran as fast as possible until I needed to stop and take a deep breath. 

I pushed myself to the limit. I felt the need to throw up but I held it back. Suddenly tears were streaming down my face. I felt like a wreck,

I looked around and saw a little bench. Thank god for that. I sat down and wiped my tears away. My emotions were fucked up and my face probably looked like a mess. Let alone the chaos in my head. I like this guy and on the other hand I really wanted to get away from him.

I knew he just needed to relax but I guess he just sees me as trouble that he has to deal with, I guess.

And then this girl, who was she? And why could he laugh with her? I thought that he always was stressed and tensed. And then suddenly this girl comes along and makes him laugh? What's up with that? Maybe it was better this way. 

I don't know for how long I've been running but It feels like hours. The afternoon was getting to an end and it was getting dark fast now.

I looked around and saw nothing that I recognized.

Really? Really (Y/N)? I told myself since I was lost and I had no clue where to go. I only now noticed that it was pretty cold outside and it only would get colder and colder by the minute. 

Shit, I did not think this through. I would just walk that way.

I turned around and began to walk to wherever I had the feeling was towards home. I looked around and tried to find something recognizable.

I just walked, walked and walked until I saw something familiar. It was Calum´s house.

Yup, I was cold and had enough of being cold and lost and the first thing I found was Calum's house.

I walked past it while my teeth were clattering against eachother and my lips were probably blue and purple coloured by the cold. I looked into the house and saw a red haired boy playing guitar. I smiled and shook my head before I quickly walked to Cameron's house. 

I walked upstairs to the frontdoor and realized that I had my arms wrapped around myself for the whole walk and that I could see my own breath in the air.

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