You're Stuck With Me

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We walked into the house and I got out of my coat. It was nice and warm inside, the complete opposite of outside. 

I placed my coat on a hanger and hung it up. 

'You don't have to act like you are my father or something because you are not. I just talked to Calum and you just come walking over and scare him away.' You told him. 

'You don't know him. I need to protect you no matter what so if I need to scare away other guys than so be it.' He said firm while walking over to the table and looking through some papers. 

'Ughh..' I shook my head and remembered that we had that thing tonight and that I still needed a dress. 

'I will go get a dress.' I told him and got into my coat again. 

'Floyd is waiting for you downstairs with the car and Nash will go with you.' He told me. 

'I hate this.' I told him before I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me. 

I huffed and walked downstairs. I didn't need to be held on a leash. I'm old enough to do what I want. I'm almost twenty for fuck's sake. I would turn twenty in a few days. 

I saw the black haired guy standing next to the car on the phone when he saw me he hung up. Floyd greeted me and opened the door. I waited before I got in and looked at the guy called Nash. 

'I'm (Y/N).' I told him and stuck my hand out. He shook it. 'I'm Nash. I will go with you today.' He told me and gave me a small smile. 

I nodded and got in the car. He got in the car himself and I asked Floyd to go to the nearest mall. 

'I got an order, Miss. Mr. Dallas has everything settle for the day. I need to follow his orders.' Floyd told me. 

I sighed. 'Don't be sorry, Floyd. It's okay.' I looked at Nash. His blue eyes pierced through mine and he smiled. 

I was lost for words for a minute. 

'I hope you like dresses since we go shopping for one and you're stuck with me.' I told him and chuckled. He laughed. 

'It's fine, I have had worse orders.' He told me. 

I looked at him confused. 

'Was there another girl?' I asked him curious. 

He shook his head. 'No, no. Mr. Dallas doesn't have time for that. I meant worse orders as in stupid things.' He assured me. 

I nodded and he looked at me. 'Are you okay?' He asked me suddenly. 

'I don't know. You tell me.' I shrugged. 

'I don't even know what's going on.' I told him. 

'I'm sorry about that. We aren't allowed to tell you that. But we will make sure you are safe.' He told me and gave me a weak smile. 

'Well, thank you for that then.' I told him. 

'We are here.' Floyd told me while he looked through the rearview mirror. 

'Thank you, Floyd.' I told him. Floyd handed me a wallet. I looked confused at him. 

'I had to give you this. It's from Mr. Dallas, it's for the dress and everything you need.' He told me. I took the wallet and took a look inside. A creditcard, a small remote thingie and a hundred dollar bill. 

'Thank you, Floyd. Go grab some lunch.' I told him and handed him the hundred dollar bill. 

'I'm sorry Miss. That's very kind of you but I'm not supposed to leave the car.' He told me. 

I looked around. 'Go to that drive-in and you won't have to leave the car. I won't tell Mr. Dallas and Nash won't tell him either otherwise I will tackle him. You're just human Floyd. I insist.' I told him and held the bill out for him to grab it. 

'I promise. Nash, you need to promise too.' I looked at him while Floyd looked at him through his mirror. 

Nash sighed. 'Fine, I promise.' He told us. 'Good, now go and enjoy lunch.' I told Floyd and pushed the bill in the little pocket on his chest. 

I jumped out of the car and smiled to Floyd who rolled his window down. 

'Thank you, Miss. Just push the button on the remote that's in the wallet and I will be waiting here for you.' He explained. 

'I will. Enjoy lunch.' I told him and walked to the mall. Nash catched up with me and smiled to me. 

'That was very kind of you. Mr. Dallas is very strictly about his people so this never really happens but it's very kind.' He told me. 

'You won't tell him, will you?' I asked him, scared of what he would say. 

'No, I won't. I promised it, so I won't tell him. It's our little secret and the first time I have a secret for him for sure.' Nash chuckled. 

'Well, once have to be the first time and it so happens to be today.' I told him and giggled. 

I looked around. Only expensive stores. I sighed. Why? I'm fine with a normal shop aswell. 

But he won't probably, that's why he ordered Floyd to take me here. 

I walked into a store and was greeted by a dressed up lady. I smiled and nodded to her. 

Another lady walked up to me. 'Hello, do you want something to drink?' The lady asked us. 

'No, thank you. I'm fine.' I told her. 

'We were expecting you.' She told me. 'Oh really? Well, I'm just looking for a dress that would look nice on me.' I told her and smiled. 

'Do you prefer any colour?' She asked me. 'I like white dresses. Or cremé coloured and I prefer long dresses' I told her. I also told her my size. 

'He would like that.' Nash told me softly. 'Good, because I would go with it whether he would like it or not. I'm the one wearing the dress.' I told Nash. He chuckled and shook his head. 

'Great choice!' She beamed. 'Follow me please.' She told us and led us to a huge room with changing rooms in it. 

'I will pick out some dresses and then you can try them on.' She told me. I nodded and smiled. I sat down on the sofa that was placed in the middle of. 

'Did he tell her we were coming?' I asked him. 'He informed all stores.' Nash told me casually. 

'Why?' I asked him confused. 'He likes to be treatened well and he likes his guests to be treatened like that aswell plus he wants no one around so you will be safe.' He told me. 

'He got us the whole store?' I asked him in disbelieve. 'Yup.'

'Jezus.' I murmered. 

At least you could say that we would be safe. 

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