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The lady came back with about five long dresses hanging on a cart. She smiled at me and I stood up. 

I looked through the dresses. There were two nice ones and the other three weren't really 'me'.  

'I like these two.' I told her and she nodded. 

'Can I try this one?' I asked her. 'Sure.' She beamed and took the dress off. 

'I will help you.' She told me. I didn't want her to but I sure could get some help getting this dress on. 

I walked into a changing room and the lady walked in after me. She closed the curtain and smiled at me. I began to strip down to my underwear and she helped me getting the dress on. She zipped it and I looked into the mirror and smiled. 

It looked amazing. I would wear my hair up. Yes, I would do that. 

'It looks perfect! What do you think?' She beamed. 'It's perfect. This is it, this is the dress!' I told her. 

She smiled. 'We also have heels that would match perfectly with the dress. Would you like to try them?' She asked me. 

'Yes, please.' I told her and told her my shoe size. She walked out of the changing room and so did I. 

'How does it look?' I asked Nash. He looked from his hands to me and swallowed. 

He smiled. 

'It looks perfect! You look beautifull!' He told me. 

'Well thank you.' I turned around and looked at myself from head to toe. 

I smiled. The lady came walking back with the shoes. She handed me the shoes and I got them on. 

'It's perfect!' I told them. I twirled and they smiled. 

'I will get dressed again now.' I told them and walked into the changing room again. The lady walked in aswell and helped me out of the dress. I took off the shoes and changed into my own clothes. 

The lady took the dress and the shoes with her out of the changing room and told me she would bring it to the cash register. 

I walked out of the changing room and smiled to Nash. 

'So now we have the dress and shoes. Mr. Dallas hired a make-up and hair artist to do your hair and make-up tonight. She will be at his place this afternoon. So we need to be there at 5.' Nash told me. 

'I do my own make-up.' I told him. He shook his head. 'It would be easier to just do what he says because you wouldn't want to make him mad, trust me.' Nash told me. 

'But I just...' I began. 'Trust me.' Nash told me again. I sighed. 'Fine.' I told him and walked with him to the cash register. I grabbed the wallet and handed the lady the credit card. 

We paid and got two bags from her. Nash insisted on carrying them so I told him that I would only agree if we would get some food now. He nodded and we walked into the first place we saw. 

We ate some and then decided to head to Cam's house again. I pushed button that Floyd told me to push whenever we wanted to go somewhere and walked outside. 

Floyd was already waiting for us and Nash placed the bags in the back of the car. Floyd opened the door and let me in. I thanked him and Nash and Floyd got into the car themselves. 

'How was lunch Floyd?' I asked him. 'I enjoyed it very much, thank you, Miss.' He told me and handed me the change. 

I counted it and noticed that there were only four dollars missing. 

'What did you have?' I asked him. 'A bagel and some coffee.' He told me and smiled. 

'You only took a coffee and a bagel? Did you have enough?' I asked him. 

'I did Miss. Thank you again.' He told me. 'No problem.' I said and buckled my seatbelt. 

Floyd started the car and drove us home. I talked a bit to Nash and then we got home again. 

Floyd told us that we were here and opened my door. Nash took the bags out of the car and I walked upstairs. The door opened without me doing anything. I looked back to Nash. 

'He has camera's so he can open the door automatically.' Nash said and chuckled. 

I laughed and walked in. It was 4:50 PM so we were on time. Nash told me that he would get my stuff to my room and I thanked him. I grabbed an apple from the fruitbowl and walked around the house. 

I came across the room where Cameron was sitting. I looked at him and took a bite of my apple. 

'Wait a minute' He told the person who he was calling. He held the phone down and looked at me. 

'Did you find a dress?' He asked me. I nodded. 'Good, food is here in...' He looked at his watch. 'In 25 minutes. I ordered Italian.' He told me. 

I walked in and placed the wallet on his desk. 

I wanted to thank him but he spoke up before I could. 

'It's yours.' He told me and looked from the wallet to me. 

'Thank you.' I said and just obeyed. I took the wallet and thanked him. I walked out of the room and he got back on the phone. 

I swear he never took a moment off. I bet he hasn't had vacation in years. 

I walked back to the livingroom and Nash sat on the couch. I smiled to him and walked over to him. 

'Thanks for going with me today. Eventhough you had to.' I smiled to him. 

'No problem.' He told me. 

I turned on the TV and watched a random show. 

The doorbell rung and Nash stood up. He walked over to the door and after a few minutes he came back walking in with a woman. 

I smiled to her. 'This is Cher Coulter. She is the stylist.' He told me. I stood up and introduced myself. 

'So, Mr. Dallas choose a natural beauty.' She told us. 

I blushed slightly and she smiled to me. Nash led us to the bar and got us drinks. 

I sat on a stool and faced her. 

So I was about to get styled by one of the most praised stylist in Hollywood. 

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