You Heard The Lady

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We sat down for a few minutes until something caught Cameron's eye. I followed his gaze and saw that Austin was a little too friendly with another woman. 

While Austin just told us that his girlfriend was out of town for the week. 

Cameron stood up and I could just grab his arm to stop him from going over. 

'I don't think you should do that.' I told him while still keeping hold of his arm. 

'But he can't do that. I need to tell him off..' He told me and furrowed his eyebrows. 

'I don't think that's a good idea, Cam. Just stay here, you could take a picture because if he ever does something you don't like you can blackmail him or something but if you go over there I can guarantee you that it will cause a fight.' I just realised that I called him Cam for the first time.

I bit my tongue for doing that. I didn't know how he would react. 

He looked at Austin and then back at me. 

'I know it's your job to protect me but I don't want you to get into a fight and hurt yourself.' I told him. Trying to convince him to stay here. 

'I could easily take him.' He told me and pointed at Austin. 

'I know, I know but could you please stay with me.' I practically begged him.

He sighed and sat down. He took his phone out of his pocket and took a picture of Austin and the girl. 

He turned around to me. 

'You would make one hell of a business woman.' He told me while shaking his head and smiling. 

I chuckled. 

'Maybe I would.' I told him. 

'We would be an incredible team.' He told me and I blushed slightly. 

'I need to talk to a few more people but do you wanna go home after that?' He asked me. 

I nodded. 'Yes, please.' I told him. He gave me a small smile and stood up. 

'I will go talk to them, it's about business so you can wait here if you would like to.' He offered. 

'But first I will get you another drink.' He told me. 

I smiled and he went to get me a drink. 

I looked around, so many fancy dressed  people in one room. It was unbelievable. 

The women in here were breath takingly beautifull. I felt slightly out of place. 

Cameron walked back over to me and handed me a drink. I thanked him and took a sip. 

Aah, it was the same drink I had earlier tonight. The sweet liquid filled my mouth and left me with a sweet taste. 

'I will be back in a minute.' Cameron told me. I nodded and he walked away. 

I looked around again and tapped my foot to the beat of the music. I looked at Austin who was standing with the girl and I caught his eye. 

I looked away and took another sip of my drink. 

In no time I saw a pair of legs stand infront of me. I looked up to be met with Austin. 

'So he just leaves a beauty like you alone?' He asked me and smirked. 

'No, I just told him I needed to sit down for a minute.' I tried to defend Cameron. 

'He's too stupid to see what an amazing lady he has with him.' He told me and sat down infront of me. 

'I think you should leave!' I told him. 

'Aah, but why love? I don't see Cameron anywhere.' He pointed out and placed his hand on my knee while he bended forward a little. 

I pushed his hand off my knee. 

'Don't do anything stupid.' I told him. 

He laughed. 'I do stupid things whenever I want, honey.' He whispered while his face was close to mine. 

'I think you should leave.' I told him while he kept his face close to mine. I backed off. 

'I don't..' He began but was interrupted by someone clearing his throat. He turned around and found Cameron standing behind him. I looked up at Cameron and he looked pissed. 

'You heard the lady.' Cameron told him. 'Get the fuck away from here.' He calmly said. A bit too calm. 

Austin laughed and stood up. 

'Next time, I will make her mine, Dallas.' Austin patted Cameron on his chest and laughed. 

'Next time, I will knock you out.' Cam told him. 

'Bye, love.' Austin said and winked at me before he walked away. 

I chugged down my drink and looked at him. 

'I'm ready to go.' I told him. 

He looked still mad but his expression softened when I pressed a kiss on his cheek and whispered: 'Thank you for saving me.' 

He placed his hand on my lower back and began to led me outside. 

'No problem.' He told me. 

'But I could easily take him myself, just so you know.' I told him, referring to what he said earlier this night. 

He chuckled and shook his head. 

We got to the doors and Cameron got my coat. He helped me in it and led me to the car. Floyd let me in and Cameron helped me with my dress. 

'Thank you.' I told him and smiled. He shot a smile back and closed the door. 

He got in himself and Floyd took his seat. 

'How was the event, Sir?' He asked Cam. 

'It was quite interesting.' He told Floyd and gave me a weak smile. 

'How was your evening Floyd?' Cameron asked Floyd. 

Both, Floyd and I were taken a back by that question. He never did that. He always was strictly when it came down to his people and now he genuinly was interrested in Floyd's evening? What has gotten in to him? 

'Eeeuhhmm..' Floyd began, not really knowing how to react. 'It was fine, Sir. Thank you for asking.' He told Cameron and shot him a smile through the rearview mirror. 

'Good.' Cameron said. 'Now let's go home.' 

Floyd started the car and drove us home. 

'Could you turn on the radio, Floyd?' Cameron asked. Again, Floyd and I were stunned. He was being really nice tonight and I liked it and I bet Floyd liked it too. 

'Ofcourse, Sir.' Floyd turned the radio on and Cameron hummed along. 

I just looked at him with my mouth slightly open, I was stunned. He was lookig out of the window while he hummed along to the radio. 

Was this a part of the real him? 

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