Chapter 1. The key to a plan

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You woke up only to find all the dwarfs already packing their stuff and putting it on their horses. Kim still lay next to you, still sleeping. Slowly you got up and stretched. The forest floor hadn't been good for the pain in your back. If only it had gotten worse. 'How did you sleep lass?' Bofur asked. He was still busy to pack everything and made sure that Bifur was doing the same. 'It could have been better, it could have been worse' you yawned.

'We will leave in 20 minutes!' Thorin barked from across camp. His eyes landed on you for a few seconds before he turned around and talked to Balin. You were still mad at him, but oh, those muscles and that beard... No, don't fall for that, you told yourself. Remember what he said yesterday? Exactly! Prove him wrong! You looked down at Kim and found that she was still sleeping. 

You knelt down next to her and softly shook her shoulder. 'Kim, we have to leave soon.' But she just mumbled something and hit your hand from her shoulder. 'Seriously? Kim, they will leave us here if you don't wake up.' 'Mmmh...' Kim moaned in annoyance. She turned around and continued sleeping. 'Mind if I help ya lass?' an amused voice behind you asked. You turned around to find Dwalin standing behind you. 

You got up and frowned at him. 'You think you can wake her up?' There was no way he would succeed. Kim had a love for sleeping and it always took some time to wake her up. And when she finally awoke she was not pleasant company to be around. 'Fine, go ahead, rather you then me.' You walked away to see if you could help anyone with the packing of their belongings and Dwalin walked closer to Kim.

Before he knelt down he checked his surroundings to make sure no one was watching. He did have a reputation. Gently he knelt down next to Kim and stroke a strand of hair from her face. He muttered something in Khuzdul and a smile appeared on Kim's face. Slowly her eyes opened and the first thing she saw was Dwalin's face. Were their had first been a smile, her mouth now turned into a thin line. 'What do you think you're doing?' she asked.

Dwalin got up, looking amused at the woman still laying on the ground. 'Your friend couldn't wake ya up so I thought I'd give her a hand' he said in his gruff voice. Kim's eyes narrowed and she jumped to her feet and stomping off in your direction when she saw you. '(Y/N)!!!!!' You turned around just in time to see Kim coming towards you and you decided it was time to run. 


It had been a long day, filled with crossing rivers and riding your pony's. You were so thankful for your pony, because of him you didn't have to walk the entire distance. But you were sure your pony wasn't to pleased with you. That poor animal had to carry you for the entire day. Kim and her pony rode next to you. After this morning's chase Kim had found it in her heart to forgive you. Especially after Thorin had scowled at you both for making that much noise.

Kim and you rode in the middle of the company. Fili and Kili often rode next to you, when it was possible, and entertained you with stories about their childhood. Bofur had jumped in and wanted to know more about the world you came from. You explained about how women were also allowed to join the army in your world, and they all found it rather odd. 'But what if you got hurt?' Kili asked. 'Yeah, women are safer when they stay at home' Fili finished.

You scowled at him. 'And why is that?' 'Well, us dwarfs only fall in love once, you know?' Fili said. You nodded, you knew that, yes. 'So when we do find our One we protect them to all costs. And keeping them at home is much saver' Kili said. Your face softened, that made sense. But next to you Kim huffed. 'Women can protect themselves very well. We don't need man to come to our aid. I'm not a maiden in despair!' She looked like they had said something disgusting.

Fili and Kili looked at each other in confusion, they clearly didn't understand what they had done wrong. When you looked at the front of the line you noticed that a certain wizard wasn't there anymore. But you didn't think much of it since he frequently disappeared in the movie's and in the book. It was not until the camp for the night had been set up that you saw him again. 

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