Chapter 25. Her last breath

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You were making your way towards the Durin's as fast as possible. Bilbo almost fell of the pony a couple of times but he managed to stay seated in the end. You looked up and saw the white orc smiling wickedly as he watched Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalin coming his way up the hill. This couldn't happen. You had to be faster. The dwarves weren't too far away from you. 'What's your plan?' Bilbo shouted from behind you. That's something you hadn't thought about yet. 'I will see when we get there' you shouted back. How could you make Thorin turn around? Telling him that he and his nephews were about to die wouldn't be enough. He would probably send his nephews back and go in alone or he would still try and come up with another plan. Either way he would still die. Unless...

'THORIN!' you yelled when you came closer to the dwarves. He immediately hold still when he recognized the voice that had called for him. His eyes widened in shock and next to him, Dwalin also looked pretty shocked to see Kim on the battlefield. Thorin raced towards you, killing some orc's on his way. When he finally reached you he grabbed your shoulders and hold them tight. 'You promised me you would stay inside the mountain' he said, his eyes showing desperation. 'I know, but I couldn't let you go up there, I' Thorin placed his finger on your lips, silencing you. 'It will be alright my One, he won't hurt me' Thorin tried to assure you. Tears were welling up in your eyes. 'That's the point! He will! He will kill you and your nephews Thorin.'

There fell a silence between the two of you. He stared at you as it finally dawned on him why you had to go on another quest. 'You were trying to save us...' he said, his mind finally catching up with the events. You nodded. 'But you are not allowed to tell me the ending, the wizard said so' he pointed out. You cupped his cheek. 'I know, but I can't just stand by and watch you get killed.' Dwalin hold Kim close to his chest. 'What do we do to defeat him?' he asked in a strained voice. Your mind was racing, what would make them turn around? That's it. 'He isn't up there' you said. Thorin frowned. 'I can see him standing right there.' 'Aye, but he isn't really there. It is all an illusion to lure you there. Once you will get there they will have a clear shot.' Kim's eyes widened as she looked at you. You were lying to Thorin.

You had tried your best to sound confident, like you were telling him the truth. But you could see in his face that he doubted what you just said. 'It's true. I've seen it too' Kim joined in. She shot you a look and tried her best to lie for you. She wasn't sure what your plan was but she would stay by your side and protect you. Thorin searched in your eyes to find if you were lying or telling the truth. 'Alright then. Where are they?' Thorin said, still not completely sure if you were telling the truth. You pointed in the opposite direction. There was a hill about the same height as the ruïn as where Azog was standing. Maybe you were telling him the truth. Thorin kissed you, pressing your bodies together.

'Bilbo, make sure the four of you will reach Esgaroth safely. Don't let anything happen to her' Thorin ordered. The hobbit nodded. Thorin looked at you once more. 'Stay safe' he said and left in the wrong direction.


Azog stood on the ruïnes so he could see the battle in front of him. A wicked smile spread on his face when he saw Oakenshield and his nephews coming his way. They were falling for his trap. First he would kill his nephews, one by one, and then he would kill him. He would make sure Oakenshield would suffer before he took his last breath. Just when the dwarves were about to go up, something stopped them. Azog frowned, what happened? He searched for the reason and found three young ladies making their way towards Oakenshield. They didn't look like dwarves, they were human. That's when he saw the  dwarf kissing one of them. So the dwarf had really met his One? 

Azog smiled. Back at Rivendell he had only guessed it would hurt him if he would kill you. Azog wasn't sure how you had survived but now he knew for sure that he could hurt Thorin through you. He would send some of his orc's down to get you first. He would kill you in front of the dwarf. That would make him suffer like nothing else would. But Oakenshield turned around and went the other way. That was not a part of his plan, he was supposed to get up here! Azog grimaced. The line of Durin had to be destroyed. Why didn't the dwarf come up here to revenge his love? He met your eyes and saw the three woman and a hobbit making their way up the ruïn. He smiled again.

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