The Tickets

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Brooke is known as naughty student in his highschool but opposite with his grade. He always got a good grade. But his attitude is more bad that he always got hated by his teacher, his principal and some of students that he loved bullied with. Couldnt explain how other students hated on him.

He always being blamed, slapped by students' parent, and even got rattan by discipline teacher.

All this action cant even changes Brooke's attitudes bcs he actually a spoiled child since he was 12. He was being spoiled bcs both of his parents are divorce due to family conflicts. He used to live with his father since kid and his father remarried with another woman.

Back then, his father always do all things that Brooke asked for, so that Brooke will not dissappointed or regrets for living with him. Because of this, a spoiled Brooke has been born.

As soon as he in senior year in his highschool. As usual, Brooke use train to go to his school. But this time, it seem fishy, he felt something missing, he realised that he forget to bring his wallet along. Without money, he cant buy the tickets train. He felt restless.

" if I turned back to get money, i cant catch the train,the train maybe has leaving!! ", he spoke to his mind.

Suddenly, he saw a girl in his school uniform. He thinks that probably the girl is going to school that same as he. Brooke hesitately ask the girl

" hey, are you from Gryffindor highchool?" " yes i am" she replied.

" Why" she questioned.

" um sorry are u going to use train to go to school?" he asked again. The girl seem speechless bcause how could a stranger ask a very weird question to her.

"Oh gosh, what does this ugly guy need tho" the girl whsipered to herself, "Well since this is our first meet,we should talk formal shsjdkdk" the girl murmuring herself in her mind. Then she wakeup from her imagination talk. She quickly reply " yes why u ask tho?"

Then Brooke replied she back " oh can u borrow me some money please? I forgot to bring my money ".

The girl seems like dont know what to do anymore. She checked her wallet and realised that she doesnt have enough money to pay both train tickets or else she will be famished the whole day later! She pity with the boy.. But then she open her mouth again

okay I'll , but dont forget to pay me later".

Brooke agreed happily, he could be dead if he doesnt coming to school today bcs he recieved many warning from principal that he will dragged out from school if he absent again.

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