In The Train

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After they bought the tickets, Brooke thanked her for helping him today. The girl just slightly nodded and smiled like she was being forced to smile. She regrets that she is going to be the hungriest person in the world today.

After 10 minutes, the train arrived. Both of them walked toward the train hesitately without leaving a greetings. Both of them sat far away from each others lol, seem like they going to be strangers again after today's incident. From far away, Brooke still thinking about who he wants to bully today.

On this senior year, he bullied some students slightly. He seemed like a smart student, but he's brainless anyway. His bully pattern was changed into smooth // small bully. Such as helps him to do his homeworks, pay for his meal or do his weekly chores in the classroom. He felt like hes the boss of the Gryffindor highschool, almost everyone scared of him and dont want to meet him by chances. They used to avoid him whenever they met him.

Even hundred girl who used to like Brooke, he rejected them harshly by saying that " u are so fck*ng ugly" "u are so flat! " but he did it for reasons. All he did like bullied things have the reasons!

From the other side, The girl who is still nervous because this was her first day ever in Gryffindor Highschool. She afraid that she'll be bullied by some peeps. She afraid that people think that she is an introvert person bcs she don't like talk much. For sure, she is quite shy person at first, she tend to let other talk to her first. But after you got to know her, pretty sure you'll regrets in 100 languages. The Girl checked her beg for about fifth times, afraid if she forget to bring all of her textbooks or even the pens. She felt that she dont want to make mistake on her first day of school.

She may be a forgetful person but that is a cute behavior sometimes.

After 15 minutes in the train, they finally arrived. She realised the guy she talks with was dozed in the corner of the train.

She starts talking to herself again
"shall i wake him up? " " oh stupid, why do i care? " "oh my, but he is my schoolmate, for sure he will killed me for not waking him up." "but why should I ?!"
" It is his problems anw for shut-eye in this train he better stay up."
" he probably tired" ah!!

Then she decided to wake him up after a few chaos in her mind. " Hey wakeup man, we arrived" while tapping Brooke's shoulder. Brooke then woke up after got a few tap from her. He so embarrassed for what happened today!

Brooke quickly walked out from the train and leave all the way without saying thanks. The girl seem frustrated and mad to herself. " huh such as annoying old man, better if I dont have to wake him up earlier".

After that, she forgot for what had  happened today. She continuing her nervousness, feel like her heart is going to jump out of her body. She dont know where should she go first! She encouraged herself and asked one of girl in the school the direction to principal's room. Her schoolmate then bargain herself to lead her to the principal room.

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