New Friends

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Angel pov::

The class was ended for today. I went out from the class and walked quickly to the train station, Afraid that I'll lost the last train.

Suddenly i could hear a voice behind me and whisper "hey". I turned back and realised it was Brooke.
"oh gosh, he again", I said.
" Yes its me, why? Me is rushing too, my father is waiting for me " Brooke said to me. " Oh yea yea okay" I totally pissed off.
How lucky he is got picked by his father! While me, have to walk for about 1 Km and waiting this hoes train for more than 10 minutes not including the 15 minutes to arrive at Feerhio.

Feerhio is the place where Angel lives.

She murmuring herself

After 15 minutes walked from train station to my house, I take a shower first before I cook and do my homeworks. Lol my day became more tiring. I had to do it all my own! This house must be totally proud of me. Not even take a sit, my door bell rang, I look at the window, realised there's 2 girl at the outside, I quickly open the door and asked who they are. It seem like they are the 2 person who will live with me from now on!

Suddenly i got a message from landlord,
yes exactly true from what I thought.
I start the talk " hey nice to meet you, are you two the newcomers? It seem like I should do some home tours".
They both smile and nodded agreely. Before I forget, what's your name? I asked both of them.
The first girl answered me first " my name is Daisy" .
Then sec girl answered " my name is Marry". Oh thats kind of bluring, Daisy Marry, are you even a twins?! I said to them to avoid from awkward situations. They both laughed and shake their head show me their disagreement.

Daisy told me that they were friends since primmary school, have to far away from their family bcause their home is long miles away from school. I nodded.

Marry told that they are from Gryffindor school.
What a coincidence? Angel confused
We're from the same school. " so are you both the new students ?" Angel concerned.
" Yes we are" says Daisy. I told them a joke that they should be prepared to face the principal.

So we're divided the room. The first room is usually for me. The third and fourth is all up to them to decide. We three housemates cook together, and do a small celebration for welcoming them.

But both of them kinds of naughty girl! They bring soju along. Such a cool combinations! Soju for welcoming newcomers, not bad..
We spend the whole night talking nonsense.

Daisy started a talk, " can u tell me more about the school?"
Oh well, the school is quite bigger than I thought. I haven't go to the canteen yet so lets go together. Uhm, the class seem like more to 21 centuries style, there's a lot of technology modern things like LED, Laptop and even microphone for teacher to talk. So there's no reason for us being played deaf, or bad eyesight just for an excuses not to do their works.

Marry seem impressed when I talked about the school. She felt excited as she wants the day goes fast.

Yep, it is 8p.m, I'm strongly forgot about my homeworks! Luckily the homeworks is just 1-2 subjects only. I feel little bit dizzy bcause of that soju. But I forced myself to do that homeworks fast.

I sat at the living room to get some air and idea. My room is kinda small, I felt like I dont have enough oxygen.

Daisy and Marry came out from their room after unpacked their things and took a shower. They accompany me untill i finish while they learned a lil bit about the subjects, so they will not leave behind.

Time really goes fast, I've finished my homeworks. I asked them to sleep first and get some rest too, tomorrow will be the tiring ever for them..

We ended our meeting by saying goodnight.

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