A Gang Of Boy

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The next day, we going to school as usual. Marry was fully recover, she is able to going back school.

Angel and Daisy did all the breakfast today. They dont want to let Marry do smth heavy since she just rest for 2 days. She said she wants to go back to school badly! So we let her be..

After finished the breakfast, I ordered a cab for us to go to Train Station since it is far away from our house.

At the halfway, I suddenly saw a group of boy that I saw that day were waiting at the hallway.

Yes, I saw there's Brooke! He was almost got bitten by all them! I asked the cab to stop the car, and honking it many times. So the gang will thought that peoples are watching them. At the end of the corner, I saw Ryan who hiding behind the trees. He gave the signal to one of the boy to stop biting Brooke. They all suddenly go away. Ryan suddenly made an eye contact with me! He runs! I knew he going to hide behind the trees, So I act that I am enjoying the scenery.

A few second, im just.. Lost them. I saw Brooke try to wipes his blood on his mouth and drinks his water. He took out his phone and it seem like he going to make a phone call.

Dring! He called me.

I answered the phone, he laughed

" hey shorty, wait me at the train, I may be late but please helps me to buy the tickets!

I'll pay you later on".

" are you okay Brooke? Okay I'll buy for you later" I answered him.

" Im okay, wdy ask? Oh it just my dad ask me to make breakfast for him hahaa so i'll be late a lil bit! "he said.

" oh I see, okay"
" becareful " said Angel.

" no wories my angel " he said so that I'll not worried about him.

After 10 minutes, he arrived at the station and asked for the ticket.

He gave me the money and hugged me.
" I miss you babe and started to cry "

Brooke suddenly do something that touching me.

"I miss you too Brooke" I'm expressing my feeling too.

Hey are u crying? - Angel

No-it's the sand went into my eyes! - Brooke

" Hey old man, we are in the same class, even siting beside u, are you miss me that badly??" I teased him

" yeah" he then patted my head and give me the coke he bring from his home.

Arrived at school, I saw Ryan in front of the gate. Brooke quickly approached Ryan and ask whether he ready for today's experiments. I realised that Brooke doesnt have any problems with Ryan, but why Ryan did that to him??

"Yes I am, bro" Ryan answered while looking at me.

" huh, what, eyy dont worry My presentation will make us got A!" I said to avoid him suspicious.

" that's cool" says Ryan.

Experiments is going to start, we divided into 4 peoples in a group. Ryan, Rose was doing the experiment 1 while Me and Brooke were the one observing and record the data for my presentation later. Suddenly the asid was fall through Ryan's hand. Brooke made a quick action, he take the beaker so the asid wont flowing much. He took Ryan's hand and quickly wash his hand and open the glove quickly. Rose then inform to the Mdm. So he'll get treat for real quick before the asid is working.

Ryan was touched by Brooke's action. He could never realised Brooke was this friendly where he could act up like that. Brooke who known as no1 bullying. But he has that kind hearted.

Brooke bring Ryan to the emergency clinic for the next treatment. Ryan cried a lil bit, it seems like he tried to confess something.

Brooke said to him " hey just bcs of this, you cryin?? NOO DONT BE COWARD MAN ".

" im-im not" says Ryan.

"Then what??" Brooke questioned while looking at Ryan's hand.

" Its just I really owe you an apology. Im sorry for all my mistakes. Im the one who asked that gang to hit you, bcs Im mad that you rejected Rose in a bad ways.

I hope you never do that to her again! You hurted her feeling. She seems tryin hard to avoid you, she may be embrassed, I could see she cryin everyday. Rose is my 1st friends ever, I cant stand that she almost cried and called me everyday told about this" Ryan explained.

" Im sorry Ryan, i dont know that you like her,I didnt meant to harsh at her. It just I dont know how to reject and I was regret after said that kind of words to her. I did made an apology to her too on the next day " Brooke explained.

" Im glad you said sorry to her. Then Im relieved... Thanks Bro. And sorry Bro.." says Ryan.

They go back to lab and continue the second experiments. Rose and Angel asked about him whether he's okay or not. " dont be childish, look im here, that's mean im okay thanks to Brooke's quick action. " said Ryan.

I realised Ryan facial was happier than before, I guess they settled it already.

My boyfriend is the best buddy ever! I would never lose him...

We're the third group who going to present later, im quite nervous, but Brooke, Rose and Ryan encouraged me that I can do it! We did our teamwork the best. They helped me by answering some questions that were given Mdm. Im so proud of them!

Bell rang! Time to recess.

Me, Brooke, Rose, Ryan went to the canteen together. Thew, Marry, Daisy and Calum were coming along with us. We sat at a long table of canteen. Finally I can feel that we have a big group of friends! They all look so happy with each other.

This is what I waiting for.

Daisy started to talk " there are two lovely bird here hmm how lucky are you guys~". Rose answered " excuse me, me here is still alone lol".

Brooke looked at Ryan and try to give signal. Ryan just smiled and showed his palm which means "wait, i'll try later on".

Brooke just laughed bcs of him. Calum just sit down waiting for them to finish their talk.

Daisy suddenly stood up and bring Calum to the canteen. "Lets go, I'll sponsor you today. Anw thanks again for yesterday! " offered Daisy to Calum.

"Cool lets go!!" Calum replied.

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