Quadra Dates

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    Angel and Brooke who the one was arrived first at Feerhio Mall. They both are waiting them at one of the aesthetic cafe where people loved the most in Feerhio Mall! After a few minutes, Marry and Thew came and greet them. They talked about Calum and Daisy who were leave by them just then, they wonder how was Calum and Daisy conditions.

 Shortly thereafter, Calum and Daisy were safely arrived.

Daisy made her angry face while looking to Angel and Marry. " Angel! You were here?! I thou you going to somewhere?" Daisy questioned.

" Yes this is the place it called " somewhere". Said Angel.

"So where should we go first? Should we ordering some drinks?, im freaking excited with this triple dates."  said Brooke.

" Me too Bro, im looking foward on this the most!!!! " said Thew.

 One of the cafeteria boy came to their table to take their order, he seems familiar.

Calum : " Emren?? Is that you?

Emren : " Yes, hey classmate, wow you guys seem having some fun.. Oh there's Angel? With Brooke, ya i know this. Thew and Marry? But wait Calum and Daisy? Wowwwwww yall so kewl.

Daisy : we-are-. *Calum hold Daisy hands*

Calum: yes we are, why? What about you >< when will u having girlfriends".

Thew : yes bro, we can hangout together later! Should I introduce you someone? how about Genevie 👀

Emren : eyyyy I love the girl in our next class, but im too coward to tell my feeling to her. Shhhhhh, no need to care abt me! Have some orders.

Brooke & Angel : Latte with extra Ice!

Thew : eyy what a soulmate.

Brooke : shorty, you made me touching >.<, I thought you going to order Coke haha.

Angel : babe! I would drinks the coke if u the one give me 😜

Brooke : ayeeee, sweet talker. For sure i'll buy a dozen of coke for u and write letters on each of it, so it will be more sweet ><

Angel : auch, dont Brooke, Enough. you're so sweet, i would be melts here

Brooke : 😜

Marry : u guys....

Marry : i would like to order Americano!

Thew : me too >.<

Daisy: so are you both going to be clingy like Angel and Brooke 😂

Marry : Awwww you love Ice Americano too?!

Thew : yess my dear >.< my fav drinks evaaa.

Marry: me too! I could die if im not drinking Ice Americano a week

Thew: oofffff same! What a coincidence.

Marry : yas! ><

Emren : so 2 Latte 2 Ice Americano, what abt you two??

Calum: what would u order Daisy?

Daisy : erm idk? Too many, I cant choose!

Calum : I'll choose for us! I'll Make sure that you'll never regret it hehe

Daisy : okay >.<

Calum : we would like to order Cappuccino
Chips. If Im the one who choose it could be more "sweet" like what Angel said before. Arent u agree Daisy 👀?

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