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After arrived at principal's room, The principal make a quick action. "oh you the new student here right?!"

The girl smiled and replied " yes i am ". The principal asked again " so what's your name, and why do you choose to move here? There are many highschool in this area".

The girl suddenly blanks, she rolled up her eyes from left to the right like how other students did when they are thinking if something or answer.

The principal laughs!

But the girl replied his question back " oh my name is Angel Potter, and the reasons i chose this school bcs there's train station which 1 km from my house & it is easy for me to go to school everyday without any transportation problems! Since there's have some trains that stop exactly at this school. The principal amazed with her replies " Good Angel, okay, I will send u to your classroom now".

Angel pov ::

After a short walking, "dont know that my classroom was that neared to principal room, i wonder why i was endup in this class... Principal and I walked to the class and inform the homeroom teacher.

Everyone were shocked and shouted "woo"
My heart beat hardly. I've never been welcomed by students this lively. I calmed myself not to nervous bcs i will talk in alien language later! So my homeroom teacher introduced me as a new student in this class and asked me to make a formal introduction to the students in this class.

" hye, I am..." im stuttering.
SUDDENLY, I realised a boy in the middle sit was looking at me with a grin smile.

I talk to myself again " wait he looked familiar" "OH THAT OLD MAN FROM THE TRAIN" He looks awful with that smile tho!

Then he showed that "continue hand sign" to me. After that, I quickly continuing my unfinished intro.

" I am Angel Potter, nice to meet you guys & please take care of me" relieved that I ended my intro without any mistake.

The homeroom teacher ask me to sit down so the class can start soon. I tries to find some sit, then the homeroom teacher do his job quick "oh you can sit beside Brooke, there's no empty sit now, unfortunately you have to sit beside Brooke" I nodded and hold my anger.

Why do I should beside him?! Why do I have to meet him again?! In this class?! For whole 365 days?! Oh my. The homeroom teacher whispered to me and says "becareful". My skins prickled. I saw Brooke trying hard to clean my table bcause that two tables seems like all his own, his beg on my chair, he sit like old man! I walked toward him and sit.

He then started his talk "hey you again" like usual, I smiled like I'm being forced. " So your name is Angel?" he asked again. "Yes I am - _-" I replied his stupid question.

He smiled.

The girl in front of me started to talk to me " hey isn't u the one ask for the direction? "

I shocked. " eh, you again?" realised that the girl is the one who helped me lead the direction to principal's room.

I thanked to her again. She seems like wants to talk to me, she question me again
"would you like to be my friend?"
"Yes for sure!" I answered her.
" My name is Rose, nice to meet you" said that girl to me.
Hey my name is Angel, nice to meet you too " I said.
Brooke then softly laugh and talked to himself" it seems like you almost tell your name for 123456789th time". I looked at him him and said " oh really haha sorry ". Then Brooke gave me a smile again.

I felt like i got heart attack lmao. This "old man" kind of weird person, does he loves to smile?!

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