Examination Day

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  They being apart for almost 2 months. Now it is time for them to sit their Big Exam "SAT". Brooke and his friends always got a good result in their exam trials. Same goes to Angel.

*Exam is going to start in 2 hour*
Brooke is ready for his exam by reading some notes while eating his breakfast.

Ting! Brooke got a notifications. It is Angel! Brooke call Angel right away! Couldnt tell how he miss her.

B : Hello, is this Angel?
A : Yes its me Brooke. I miss you *she sound like crying*
B : Shorty!! I miss you too!! Thanks for calling me... And I always waiting for your call and text
A : Sorry, for making you waiting.. I am calling you to wish you Goodluck! Please remember our promise!
B : I wont forget. And goodluck too Angel.. I always waiting you at the train, hoping that you're coming, but... You didnt coming..
A : Im sorry Brooke, it is hard for me to go outside, my parents didnt let me.. Hey you wanna hear Good news or Bad news??
B : I-i understand. let's go to bad news first.
B : what?? Then how? Did your parents mad to you? Did they doesnt let you to have a boyfriends?
A : uhmm..
B : how about good news?
A : Well.. I showed them the pictures of us, and told them all about us! You know what? I thou they will mad to me, but.. They said that they knew you?! Your father and my father are friends since they were school! They were laughing out loud instead of mad.. Im glad..
B : REALLLYYY? I MUST TELLING MY FATHER ABOUT THIS!!!! RELIEVED!! I'll visit your parents next time!!
A : yeaa!! They are exciting to meet you and your father! Btw I have to end call.. Sent my greetings to our friends and classmate.. Tell my goodluck to them!
B : okay, Goodluck sweetie. Dont forget to pray first.. Bye
A : okay bye ~..


They are having 2 weeks of exam! Finally done. All of them were happy for the last paper! There's nothing to worry now.

Brooke and his friends celebrate their last paper at Cafeteria near the Train Station.. Daisy, Marry, Rose, Calum, Thew & Ryan looks more happy than Brooke, they were lively in talking, while Brooke who are always in silent. " I wish Angel were here" said Brooke. Hey bro, dont sad! You'll meet Angel since the exam was officially finished.

Kringgg.. Brooke got a call! From Angel.. He quickly answer the call.
A: Brooke is that you?
B : Yes, its me
A : Glad! How are youu?
B : Im fine, how about you?
A : Im- Bad..
B : Why?! Are you sick
* Rose interrupt * Who's sick?!!
A : Is that Rose? Are you all make a gathering?
B :yes it is her, we're celebrating our last paper.. tell me are you sick?
A : Yes.. Im sick of missing you everyday 😌
B : ANGEL, I thou you were actually sick, hm I miss you too. Wish you were here.
A : Babe, did you still bring your coke everyday?
B : how do you know?
A : you're my bf, how could idk.. Did u bring it today?
B : yes i am..
A: good to hear..
B : why??
A : please turn your head to the left.
B : I did, why?
A: Nooo it is right!! I said left, old man 😑
B : haha! I did, but why?
A: Dont u saw smth purple there? A luggage and a cutety puppy.
B : I did.. Wait.. How do you knew there's a luggage, a puppy and even knew that I turned my head to the rightt?!
A : BROOKE!! peekaboo

* run to Angel and give her a tight hugs *.

" Loco!! Wait wait lemme hold my puppy first " said Angel

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" Loco!! Wait wait lemme hold my puppy first " said Angel. "omg your puppy looks so cute" said Brooke.

" Cute like you " said Angel while patting his head. *hug Brooke *

"Huh I missssss you so so so so much!!!." Said Angel. "Me too babe!! You're still shorty.." teased Brooke.

" Are you kidding me?!! " Angel fight him back.

" no im not 😜. let's go, our friends are waiting for you. " said Brooke.

"Hey ROSE, Hey MARRY, Hey DAISY!!!! How Are you guys been?!!!! I misss you guys a lot!!!! U know?! I almosttt dream of you every night. I couldnt find friends like you guys in Terren!😌 Wow, u guys are using the scarf that I gave to you" said Angel.
Yes! We're always bring this scarf along with us and We miss you too! Said all the girls and they were hugging each other.

" How about us?!! We missing u too!" 🙄 Said Thew.

" Hoaa my brothaaa!! I bought some gift for yall! " said Angel.

" what is it?!" said Rose

"chocolate hehe" Said Angel.


" Lol u should eat first" said Angel.

" What about me?? " teased Brooke.

" Here!" Angel

" where?" Brooke

"This!" Angel show herself*

"YESSHHH!! I GOT YOU! It is enough if you were here. And..." said Brooke.

" I love you babe! ><" said Angel.

" Love you too 😚 !" said Brooke.

" And here the coke" said Brooke

" Thanks!! ><" said Angel.

"lets celebrate together!" said Marry.

"but my puppy...." said Angel.

"At Home!" said Daisy.

" OKAY!! said Angel.

" you guys can come along too, we celebrate at the rooftops and enjoy scenery" said Daisy.

" thats cool" said all the boys.

*Angel house*

They setting up all the things at rooftops together. Its look like they going to have barbecue.

*cheers* all of them cheers together and congrats each others.

Angel do a video call with her parents.
A : hey dad! Im safely arrived. Wheres mom?
A. Dad: your mom is cooking.. What are you doing? Why it is so noisy??
A: we're doing some barbecue dad..
* shows her camera to the barbecue *
A. Dad: who is doing the barbeque?
*accidentally, Brooke turn his head and smile to Angel*
Is that Brooke?! I still remember his dimples!
A: haha Dad, yah it is Brooke...
A. Dad: call him now, I wanna talk to him.

*call Brooke and sit beside Angel*

Brooke : Hi Uncle, nice to meet uncle! Woaa uncle became more handsome! I still remember you >.<
A.Dad: aye Brooke, you still naughty like always?! How dare you came to my daughter house
Brooke : hehe..
A. Dad : Im kidding! Brooke please take care of our Angel! I'll texted your father so Angel can visit your house everyday!
Brooke : sure Uncle! I'll take care Angel and always be there..
A. Mom: look who are there?? Angel my lovely daughter...
Angel: mom... Loco is happy here!
A. Mom: i know right 👀 which one is Brooke?
Brooke : Hi Aunty!
A. Mom: oh you Brooke ? So handsome!
Brooke : haha Thanks Aunty.. I'll come and visit uncle and aunty in the future!
A. Dad: sweet talk! Okay, remember your promise.
Brooke : yes!
Angel: okay dad, let's end call, we going to start soon, love you and mom!
A. M&D : goodnight our Angel..

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