What Kind Of Person Is Brooke?

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In the morning, Angel knocked her housemate door to get ready quickly so they will not lost the train. They breakfast together with sunny side up and a coffee that were made by Angel. Marry and Daisy thanked her for making the breakfast. Angel smiled and said "no worries".

They walked together to the train station. At the halfway through, Angel saw Brooke who walking far away from them, and she can recognised him straight. She wonder why he's walking to the train station when he has his own father to send him off. I feels more concerned about him. He is mysterious than me.

When we're about to arrive at the train station, A group of boy block his way to the station, it seem like they are in serious situation, but I think maybe they are his friends. But the boys are not in our school uniform btw..

After a few minutes, I got a message from Brooke
" Sorry Angel, i couldn't meet you today, you have to use the train by yourself. Takecare ❤️" - Brooke
Huh? What's wrong? - Angel
------- no answer

Marry And Daisy stop talking and focused on me. Hey are you okay? Said Marry. " Yea I'm okay.." said Angel, so they will not worried about me.

After arrived at school, I sent both of them to the principal. Principal noticed me and called me "oh you again Potter?"
weird. For almost 19 years school, he the one who called me potter.
Yes it's me sir". Said Angel
"Oh okay you don't have to send them here, bring them to your classroom, they are your classmate! " Sir James said to me.
I made an eye contact with Marry and Daisy, they both look at me and show thumbs up lol. Never believed this kind of lucky situation was happened. We smiled together.

Again, the class started chaos because of newcomers students in their class. Before they started their introduction, Brooke cames late to class and seem like he was angry. The teacher talk to Brooke why did he cames this late after the school bell ring. He will get some demerit. Brooke just nodded and took out his Science Text Book. I the one who sit beside him more startled because he seem so angry on something and frusted as he fold his leg and sit like a boss. Im just shut up my mouth to avoid any conflicts.

Daisy and Marry continued their introduction. They did mention they know me since yesterday and we're actually housemate too.
All the students jealous about it ^^

Marry and Daisy patted me gave me a smile. They sit separately. Well every students will be paired with one boy and one girl. So this class wouldn't that noisy. The boy named Thewdore who sit with Rose started talk to me and said that Marry was pretty and cute. I nodded agree with him.
" yes she is, for real" I said.
Then Brooke started to talk " you too".
"Hey you talked, huh I'm grateful, I thought you were mad or smth" I said to him.
"No why should I mad to you", he said back. The teacher threw her chalk to Brooke and hitted his head. He seems angry but then suddenly I stood up and hold his hand so that he stay sit.

"Sorry mdm, I'm the one who brings he talk".
Then Brooke stood up too.
" Yes I asked her some question mdm".
" Oh you are Brooke? Wow I cant even believe you are asking question to new student, let me know what question it is? "-?Madam
"Wooo" - all the classmates seem curious.
" He asked what is the mv of this experiment. " said Angel
"Oh okay, you two sit down and start doing your pairs job" says mdm.
Thanks, says Brooke to me.
"hey no, no. No need to thank" said Angel

During the recess, me, Rose, Marry and Daisy go to the canteen together. We did buy some nasi lemak and sit on one table that no student there. I saw Brooke trying to find some sit to eat, but it seem like all the tables are full. So I called him to sit with us. He looked at me and sit here. Then Thewdore also came here and sit along. Thewdore and Brooke has been friend since kid, so he knew what kind of person is Brooke. But Thewdore is the bussiest person ever, he always do his job at library bcs he is a librarian. So sometimes Brooke had to eat alone.

Hey Thew, You didnt do your job today? Said Brooke, "nah, not today bro", said Thewdore. So who are you bully today? Said Thewdore again. We three choked together from eating the nasi lemak beside Rose.
I made an eye contact with Brooke and said " b-bully"?. Brooke stepped Thew's leg so he didn't continue his talk.
Oh nothing.. Said Thewdore again.
Then Marry started to talk, Thew seem interested. I connected with the signal. Marry asked why Thewdore name Thewdore? Then Thew replied " because in Malay's word Thewdore sound like" Tidur" which mean sleep. Well I'd slept alot during holiday but not during school day. Marry slightly laughed with his joke. Then Rose started talk again, then why yours name is Angel Potter?
Im startled, before i answer the question, Brooke cut my line " Because she is the Angel of my life " said Brooke as a joke.
Rose, Daisy, Marry and even his own friend Thew shocked by his words.
"Imma kidding" said Brooke again after they gave him a curious eyes.
I patted Brooke head and says
" ey you know how to make joke and I kinda agree with Brooke and my mom said that too" I joked him back.
he just smiled while looking at Thew.
"Well my mom said I am their angel that given by God! Hehehe. All of them sound agree and find it is logic for parents to think like that.

The bell was rang. We go back to our class.

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