Angel Cried

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Angel pov :

  It was in the midnight of 12:00a.m,

I suddenly woke up.
realised that Marry still in her sleep, I felt like I need to go to toilet.

As soon as I entered the toilet, suddenly the lamp turned off.

I whispered " hey is that youu Marry! Dont teased me".

But it seem like no one has reply my question. Suddenly the lamp turned on. Feels like smth is behind me! I'm goosebumps, all my skins are cold.

Something black pass

but when I'm turning back, there's nothing!

As I want to open the door, it's locked!
Panicked. I prayed.
Then I opened the door back, finally.

I quickly open the toilet's door and sit infront of Marry's bed. I dont want to disturb her, so im just calming myself and told me it just my imagination.

Not after a few minutes, someone patted my shoulder, Im shocked.

I closed my mouth and turned back. Realised that it was Brooke!

I cried.

" Shorty, why did you cried?"

It just I can't answered him bcause I am too scared of what has happened just now.

" Is that you? Who teased me, turn off the toilet lamp and locked the door??" I asked.

" No it's not me, I'm just arrived " Brooke answered.

It makes me want to cry more, Brooke then hug me tightly and said " Its okay babe, im here with you, its gonna be okay."

I relieved that Brooke was came and accompany me here.

I asked him why did he came here at this hour.

" I missed you, Angel. I couldnt sleep, so I decided to come and accompany you here". Brooke explained.

*Teared dropped*

" Me too,Thanks for coming Brooke " I said.

 I started to fall asleep, my head was on Marry's bed. Didnt realised Brooke carried me and bring me to the sofa so I didnt hurt my back. He puts his jacket on me.

I just realised it when I woke up early  in the morning. Seeing him who sleep in the corner of chair, I felt burden. I woke him up and asked him to continue sleep at sofa. I go out and get some food for three of us to eat breakfast, but then Thew arrived at the right time. He bring some foods and asked us to eat along!

It was 7 o'clock.

Marry just woke up from her rest, I let Marry and Thew breakfast first and I will follow later along with Brooke.

Brooke woke up from his dreamland. He then saw Angel who sat infront of him and look at him while touch Brooke's hair.

Brooke hugged Angel and gave her a morning kiss at her cheek.

"Goodmorning Angel - Brooke
Good morning Brooke" - Angel

He then realised there's no Marry at the bed. "Angel, where is Marry?" he asked. "She's having breakfast with Thew just now. Arent you hungry my love? " I chuckled. "
" Yes I am shorty...
Hey you know, I dreamt of you, You looks sho beautiful there " said Brooke.

"Aw how can even you dream of me 🙄, you really in a deep of sleep, while im afraid of smth weird" I teased him.

He giggled "lets go sweetie".

I Saw Marry and Thewdore was talking happily. "

Ehem " Brooke disturbing them.

"Woaa, how happy are you guys!" I interrupt.

" Hello, you and Brooke also, even got jacket from Brooke last night!!

" Marry said something that could fight me back.

"Hey you did woke up?!! I told u to rest well - _-" I fight back.

"Yeye i watch the whole drama last night..." says Marry again.

Thew told that this hospital were totally creepy and horror!! If you can't stand it, better dont come!

Brooke then continued" It's okay as long as Im here, I will slap that ghost face if it disturb u again" we laughed by his jokes.

10 o'clock, Marry got discharged from hospital.

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