So. A voting then.

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Don't worry. I'm not ending the book. I know y'all get worried when you see stuff like this.

Hey! Sorry that this is the second one of these I've done in such a short amount of time. I know it must get really annoying seeing you have 4 notifications for the same book in a week, and half of them are like this. But I needed to asked you all something!

So, as you probably know I like to post frequently, at least once a week. At that rate, I get about 4 chapters a month out, which sounds like a lot, but it's not. I mentioned previously that I'm now going to be updating every 4 or 5 days, but even still that is still only about 6 chapters. So I have this huge lineup of stories that are written and ready to publish (or at least really close) like 10 or 12 and I'm planning on getting them out as soon as possible. This is because of your guy's recommendations.

I'm reminding you of all of this, because I want you to know that I will get to most if not all of your recommendations. I love dishing out stuff that you enjoy reading, and it makes me happy knowing I did something that someone specifically wanted. I mentioned the whole lineup thing because it will take a decent amount of time to get your recommendations out.

With that in mind, I wanted to do a vote of what I'm going to write next! Though not publish next. I'm planning on writing some or most of these, but if they don't show up for a while, look at the reasons above. Most of these are ideas from you guys, while others are ones I thought would be fun. To vote just comment the number listed next to it. Whichever gets the most votes will be the one I start on next, and henceforth will most likely be the one that gets published first when I finally make my way to it.


2. "Miss Wanna Die" Animatic

3. Say My Name

4. Dead Girl Walking

5. BakuDeku vs. TodoDeku

6. "Homeroom Teacher" Animatic

7. ShinDeku

8. ShigaDeku (just to watch you all suffer)

9. My R

10. "The Other Side" Animatic

I hope that you're not too annoyed by my new habit of doing chapters like this. Form now on I'll keep these to a minimum. Thanks for reading!

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