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"i need a new angel, a touch of someone else, to save me from myself" - New Angel / Niall Horan



This day was always a hard day. It was Jack's birthday, the fourth one he wouldn't get to see. I typically would have spent the day with my parents, so we could all be together. Unfortunately, things were still rocky between us since they had kicked me out, so I was forced to mourn on my own.

I had plans, though. On my way home from an early-afternoon shift I had picked up some flowers. I just needed to stop by the apartment and grab one last thing before going to his grave. I had printed out a photo of the two of us a couple of days earlier. I retrieved it from the drawer of my desk, looking at it for a brief moment. I was already starting to feel overwhelmed, so I just folded it up and put it in my pocket.

I headed down the hall, flowers in hand, and stepped into the elevator. Just as the doors were shutting, a hand appeared, followed by the person attached to it. Violet stepped in, sighing as she looked up and realized I was in here. I avoided her gaze, looking at the floor. I was really not in the mood for an argument today.

Apparently, she wasn't either. She didn't say a word as the elevator started moving. All of a sudden, the elevator stopped moving. The change in speed sent both of us tumbling, grabbing onto the side railings to support ourselves.

Violet looked around, waiting for the door to open, "What's going on?"

I pressed a few buttons, and nothing lit up, "Something's wrong, I think it's stuck."

"Well stop pressing buttons then, you're going to break it even more." Violet rolled her eyes.

I ignored her, pushing at the emergency call button a few times. Once again, nothing happened. I groaned, "Are you kidding me? Why even have this button if it doesn't work."

"Relax, I have the landlord's number. I'll call him and let him know."

I waited silently while Violet was on the phone. This had better be a quick fix. I glanced at my watch anxiously. It was already 4:00, and I wanted to go before the sun went down.

Violet got off the phone, a look of annoyance on her face, "Well, it's going to be like two hours before they can get this thing running again."

"Seriously? This is ridiculous, what kind of shitty building are we living in, they don't have a way to fix this?" I kicked at the closed doors.

Violet groaned, "Oh my god, stop messing with the elevator! We're stuck in here alone for the foreseeable future and if you're gonna keep that up I will lose my mind."

I finally turned in her direction, "Oh relax, Violet. Why don't you get that stick out of your ass and stop being so judgmental for once."

Violet scoffed, "Excuse me? Who do you even think you are, talking to me like that?"

I sighed, already regretting picking this fight, "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"No," Violet cut me off, "Please, keep telling me about the stick up my ass. Then, I can tell you what an arrogant jerk you are. You have no regard for anyone but yourself. And you can't stand the fact that I'm right, and that I'm calling you out about this."

I laughed a little, "No, Violet, what I can't stand is someone who doesn't even know me telling me what a mess I am. I know all about that, but you don't and you have no right to say any of this! You're entitled, and rude, and just as arrogant as I am. What's worse is you're naive enough to think that everybody loves this 'perfect' appearance you put up around your own insecurities."

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