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"she's so bad for me, and i can't help it. it's so hard to see, a way around it" - Can't Help It / Anarbor



When I woke up, I unlocked my phone and opened up my text messages. My fingers hovered over the keyboard, contemplating whether reaching out to Violet was a good idea or not. After a few brief moments I listened to my better judgement and closed my phone.

We hadn't talked in a couple of days, and that was probably for the best. I had a feeling neither of us had any intention of giving in, and we were probably just going to stay out of each other's lives for the foreseeable future.

I sighed and rolled out of bed, groggily making my way into the kitchen. Calum and Michael were both already up, sitting at the counter eating toast. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, mumbling a greeting, "Morning."

I picked up the open package of bread on the counter, groaning when I saw the two lone end pieces sitting in the bag. I gave the guys a dirty look, "Really?"

Michael shrugged, laughing lightly, "Sorry man, early bird gets the worm."

In the fridge, we were lacking any eggs, milk, or anything edible. I slammed the door shut, "Seriously, guys? You know at least one of us has to act responsible around here."

Calum furrowed his eyebrows, "Christ, Luke. What's your problem? You've been acting like a complete asshole the past few days."

I frowned, resting my elbows on the counter across from them, "I'm sorry, guys. I guess I just haven't been in the best mood lately."

Michael exchanged a look with Calum, and then raised an eyebrow in my direction, "Does this have anything to do with Violet?"

I scoffed, "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about."

Calum rolled his eyes, "Oh, please. You've been moping around since that afternoon you went to meet her at the coffee shop. So what gives, what did she say?"

"Not that I think it's any of your business, but," I sighed, giving in, "She just said she doesn't want us to be romantic or anything, which is fine. Doesn't bother me, I'm over it."

"Right, so that's why you've been so grumpy. Because you don't care at all that she hurt your feelings." Calum got up, putting his plate in the sink.

"Okay, smart ass. She didn't hurt my feelings. Maybe I'm a little annoyed, sure. But only because she wasted my time, instead of just being honest." 

I wasn't entirely lying, either. I was annoyed with her, and her constant stuck-up judgments. How was it only her right to decide what she wanted us to be? Didn't I get any say in the matter? She was such a control freak that she couldn't even let me decide whether or not I wanted us to be something romantic. It was all up to her, as usual.

Michael shook his head, "Well, it doesn't matter anymore. Let's get to moving on Luke. Why don't we go out tonight, help you to get your mind off things?"

I stayed silent for a moment, contemplating. I guessed that I could use a little distraction. Besides, I could always just leave if I wasn't feeling up to it. And I never had a problem with getting absolutely wasted before, I shouldn't have had any reservations now.

I finally spoke up, "Alright, fine. I'll go."

Michael held up his hand for a high five. I chuckled, reaching my hand up and giving it to him.


Later that night, I was sitting at the bar, watching Calum and Michael play pool. I had lost count of how many beers I had finished at that point. On the bright side, though, I was feeling like myself again. I had barely thought about Violet all night.

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